Dr. Garde Received Barbara Lischetti Award for Gender Studies

Dr. Garde has been selected for Barbara Lischetti Award by the University of Bern.

Dr. Jonah Garde was honoured with the Barbara Lischetti Award during the University of Bern’s Dies academicus ceremony for their doctoral dissertation, Trans* Geschichte(n) der Moderne: ‚Geschlechtsumwandlung‘ und ihre kolonialen Geister im frühen 20. Jahrhundert in Österreich (“Trans*Histories of Modernity: ‘Sex Change’ and its Colonial Ghosts in early 20th-century Austria”).

The Barbara Lischetti Award recognizes exceptional doctoral research in the field of Gender Studies. Dr. Garde was honoured alongside Dr. Sabrina Stallone, who received recognition for her feminist ethnography on urban futures. Both works were celebrated for their innovation and theoretical depth, setting new standards in Cultural, Gender, Queer, and Trans Studies.