Full Program Available for Term 1 Sawchen/Ziegler Lecture Series

The comprehensive Sawchen/Ziegler Lecture Series program is now available for Winter 2020 Term 1. Unless otherwise noted, the recording of each lecture will be made available on cIRcle after the live virtual event.

The program for Term 2 is forthcoming.

Sawchen Lecture: “Russian Digital Humanities: Spotlight on Russian Drama and Novels Corpora”

October 20, 9:30am

Drs. Daniil Skorinkin and Alexey Vdovin (National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow)

Ziegler Lecture: “Mineral Imaginaries: Literature for the Anthropocene”

October 20, 3pm

Dr. Jason Groves (University of Washington Seattle)

Ziegler Lecture: “Confluences post Migration: A Reading and Lecture with Ilija Trojanow”

October 22, 10am

Ilija Trojanow

Sawchen Lecture: “The Trouble with Nadezhda Durova: Historicizing Queer Celebrity in Russia”

October 30, 9am

Dr. Margarita Vaysman

Sawchen Lecture: “Using Literature in History, and History in Literature”

November 4, 11am

Ilya Vinkovetsky (Simon Fraser University)

Sawchen Lecture: “Computational Methods for Russian Literature: Current State and Future Directions”

November 17, 9:30am

Quinn Dombrowski (Stanford University) and Dr. Andrew Janco (Haverford College)

Sawchen Lecture: “Building Russian BookNLP”

December 8, 9:30am

David Bamman (University of California Berkeley)