On April 3rd, Prof. Winthrop-Young gave a lecture at Princeton School of Architecture, for the Media and Modernity Program. The lecture was titled “An Exceptional Time for Hitler’s Cows: Nazi Nercofauna and Charismatic Chronopolitics“.
On April 4th, he gave a lecture at the German Department Princeton on “Why a Student is a Willing Termite rather than an Irish Elk: Karl Escherich and the (De)Nazification of Universities and Social Insects“.
As part of the Rodig Lecture Series at Rutgers School of Arts and Science, Prof. Winthrop Young gave a lecture titled “Ersatz Nation and Resurrected Species: On the Use of Speed in the Third Reich“.
And finally on April 13th, he travelled to the University of Michigan and presented a lecture entitled “A Convergence of Coldness and Catastrophes: Spengler’s Bones, Kittler’s War, and Koselleck at Stalingrad“, as part of the Winter Colloquium series for the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures.