Risking a Memoir: Ervin Malakaj and David Gramling Read from their Works-in-Progress and talk Memoir-Writing

Friday May 10, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Profs. David Gramling and Ervin Malakaj are both working on queer memoirs and essayistic autotheory, and it’s risky.

Both trained as academic Germanists, they both realized there are many more forms of writerly knowledge-making out there besides research articles and monographs, and both of them have deep and difficult stories to tell about war, trauma, Disability, childhood, and queer experience. Come listen to them read excerpts from Tetka Theory (Malakaj) and Aloof: On Seeing Less than you Should (Gramling).

How to Attend:

This webinar will be held on Zoom. Please register for this online event which will be held on May 10th at 2:00pm PST. All are welcome!