UBC German Studies is home to an amazing, vibrant intellectual community. Come learn more about the undergraduate programs in German Studies at UBC and connect with some of your peers in the program. All students are welcome to attend.
This session will feature a short presentation by Dr. Ervin Malakaj (Director of Undergraduate Studies in German), Gabriele Bonifacio, and Emilie Kneifel. Students will have a chance to ask questions about the German Studies program. The second part of the event is a social: games and get-together co-hosted with the UBC German Club.
Advanced registration required: https://ubc.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5csc-upqDMpE9O7mZ_jFAigUPtM9akTKsKN
If you have any questions about this or any other aspect of the UBC German Studies program, please reach out to Dr. Malakaj (Ervin.malakaj@ubc.ca).