Ziegler Lecture Series: “First Jews in Auschwitz”

Monday January 27, 2020
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

“First Jews in Auschwitz”
Dr. Piotr Setkiewicz, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum


Jews constituted a relatively small percentage of deportees to Auschwitz till February 1942, but the mortality rate among them was approx. 85 percent. This reflects the fact that they received even more brutal treatment from the SS men than prisoners of other ethnic background. The lecture will present the new research on the treatment of Jews in Auschwitz in the first period of the camp’s operation.

This presentation is a part of the UBC Symposium Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, and co-sponsored by the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Vancouver, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, the International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust, and Temple Sholom.