Dr. Karwowska Dr. Karwowska visits Wagner College to give talk on art by women prisoners in Auschwitz

Poster from Wagner College

Dr. Bożena Karwowska visited the Wagner College in New York in October to give a talk on Art by women prisoners in Auschwitz.

The Wagner College Holocaust Center press release is below and the talk is now available on Dr. Karwowska’s web page.

From the WCHC: FALL 2023 NEWSLETTER: Renowned Holocaust and literary scholar, Professor Bożena Karwowska, Professor, Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies, the University of British Columbia joined the classroom of Dr. Laura Morowitz, AH 310 Art and Architecture of the Third Reich for a stirring talk on works of art made on commission and in secret by women prisoners in Auschwitz and its subcamps.