Dr. Malakaj publishes co-authored article on Misfit Archives

Dr. Ervin Malakaj co-authored an article with Dr. Regine Criser (UNC Asheville) titled “DDGC and Digital Misfit Archives,” which was published in the latest issue of Seminar.

Abstract: “In this forum contribution, the authors reflect on the founding of the Diversity, Decolonization, and the German Curriculum (DDGC) scholarly collective by considering the important role of digital venues in this endeavour. Drawing on the work of Sara Ahmed, the authors consider the individual constitutive spaces in which knowledge is created and circulated by the members of the collective as digital misfit archives. Such archives contain information unwelcome in official academic sites such as conferences and journals and are designed to centre the perspective of scholars structurally marginalized by the academy.”

A copy of the article is available through the UBC Library.