Geoffrey Winthrop-Young

phone 604 822 5155
location_on Buchanan Tower 919
Department Program

Ph.D. (UBC), 1991

M.A. (Freiburg), 1986


After graduating from UBC in 1991, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young taught at the Universities of Manitoba and Waterloo before returning to UBC in 1995, where he teaches in the German and Nordic sections of CENES.

Main research areas and current projects:

  • German media theory, media archaeology and the theory of cultural techniques
  • Chronopolitics: Catastrophism, accelerationism and alternate history
  • Fascist mythology I: Conspiracism and pseudo-archaeology
  • Fascist mythology II: De-extinction and racial rewilding
  • Recycling Old Norse material




Kittler and the Media. Cambridge: Polity, 2011.

Chinese Translation: 基特勒论媒介 (Kittler on Media). Trans. Zhang Yuchen. Shanghai: Communication University of China Press, 2019. 214 pp.

Friedrich Kittler zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius, 2005. (Second edition 2017)


Friedrich Kittler, Operation Valhalla: Writings on War and Media.. Edited and translated by Ilinca Iurascu, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey, and Michael Wutz. With an introduction by Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. Durham: Duke University Press: 2021.

— and Ilinca Iurascu and Jussi Parikka, eds. Theory, Culture & Society 30.6 (2013) Special Issue on Cultural Techniques [London: Sage: 2013]

— and Larson Powell, eds. Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012) Special Commemorative Issue on Friedrich Kittler

— and Nicholas Gane, eds. Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006) Special Annual Review on Friedrich Kittler.

— and Michael Wutz, eds. Configurations Special Issue on Media, Materiality, Memory:Aspects of Intermediality. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.

— and Joseph Donatelli, eds. Mosaic 28/4 Special Issue: Media Matters: Technologies of Literary Production. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1995: pp. xxiii + 186.

Journal Articles

周才庶, 《基特勒、德国媒介理论与中国媒介研究——杰弗里·温斯洛普-扬教授访谈》,《新闻记者》2024年第三期。[Zhou Caishu, “Friedrich Kittler, German Media Theory, and Chinese Media Studies——An Interview with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young”], Shanghai Journalism Review, 2024(3): 83-96.

“Wotan’s Biopunk: The Grim(m) German God and his English Bloodsport in Sarban’s Sound of His Horn.” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 71.4 (2023): 393-409.

Deutsche Rindergrammatik, or, The Once and Future Aurochs.” New German Critique 150 Special Sesquicentennial Issue (2023): 225-235.

”The Social Politics of Karl Escherich’s 1933 Inaugural Presidential Lecture,” Journal of the History of Biology 56:1 (2023): 65-95.

“Furious Feedback and the Revolutionary Ode to Noise. Friedrich Kittler’s Wild Hunt for Richard Wagner.” Cultural Politics 18.3 (2022): 275-286.

“A Green Hell Makes Better Germans. Carl Stephenson’s ‘Leiningen’ and the Almost Aryan Countertextual Army Ants.” Germanic Review 96:4 (2021): 339-356.

“T-Rex und amerikanische Tiefenzeit. Stichworte zu einer zukünftigen Medienpaläontologie.” (“T-Rex and American Deep Time. Notes on a Future Media Paleontology.”) Archiv für Mediengeschichte (2018): 11-21.

“The Kittler Effect.” New German Critique 44.3 (2017): 205-224.

“Power Trip: Drugs and the Pharmacology of Control.” Artforum (Summer 2017): 291-304.

“Translator’s Introduction: Friedrich Kittler, ‘Real Time Analysis, Time Axis Manipulation’.” Cultural Politics 13:1 (2017): 1-5

“一个新阐释的开端”?— 论媒介理论的递归革新 与富饶分解” (“Yīge xīnchǎnshìde kāiduān?” Lùn méijiè lǐlùn de dìguī géxīn yǔ fùráo fēnjiě “). Trans. Nong Yuyi. Literature and Cultural Studies 2016 (1): 12-23.

“Translator’s Introduction: Friedrich Justin Bertuch and the Journal of Luxury and Fashion.” Cultural Politics 12.1 (2016): 23-26.

De Bellis Germanicis: Kittler, the Third Reich, and the German Wars.” Cultural Politics 11:3 (2015): 361-375.

“Discourse, Media, Cultural Techniques: The Complexity of Kittler.” Modern Language Notes 130:3 (2015): 447-465.

“On Friedrich Kittler’s ‘Authorship and Love.’” Theory, Culture & Society 32.3 (2015): 3-13.

“Hemerochronia, or, Take a Walk on the Wild Side of Time: Sideline Snippets on Media Archaeology.” Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 2.1 (2015): 143-47.

“The Kultur of Cultural Techniques: Conceptual Inertia and the Parasitic Materialities of Ontologization.” Cultural Politics 10:3 (2014): 376-388.

“Cultural Techniques: Preliminary Observations.” Theory, Culture and Society 30.6 (2013): 3-19.

“Kittler und seine Terroristen.” Tumult 50 (2012): 70-78.

“American Kittler: Glossen zur Anschlussfähigkeit.” Tumult 50 (2012): 153-61.

“‘Well, what socks is Pynchon wearing today?’ A Freiburg Scrapbook in Memory of Friedrich Kittler.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 361-73.

“Hunting a Whale of a State: Kittler and his Terrorists.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 399-412.

“Machine Learning: Friedrich Kittler (1943-2011).” Artforum (September 2012): 473-79 [Hungarian Translation: “Gépi tanulás.” Transl. Gábor Mezei. Prae 16:4 (2014): 147-52.]

“Krautrock, Heidegger, Bogeyman: Kittler in the Anglosphere.” Thesis Eleven 107.1 (2011): 6-20.

“P(r)ose of Pain. On Ernst Jünger’s On Pain.” Cultural Politics 6.3 (2010): 383-88.

“Mensch, Medien, Körper, Kehre: Zum posthumanistischen Immerschon.” Philosophische Rundschau 56.1 (2009): 1-16.

“Fallacies and Thresholds: Notes on the Early Evolution of Alternate History.” Historical Social Research 34.2 (2009): 99-117.

“Von gelobten und verfluchten Medienländern. Kanadischer Gesprächsvorschlag zu einem deutschen Theoriephänomen.” Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 2 (2008): 113-28.

“Memories of the Nile: Egyptian Traumas and Communication Technologies in Jan Assmann’s Theory of Cultural Memory.” Journal of Egyptian History 1.2 (2008): 331-62. [Reprint from New German Critique 96 (2005): 103-33]

“Implosion and Intoxication: Kittler, a German Classic, and Pink Floyd.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 75-91.

— and Nicholas Gane, “Friedrich Kittler: An Introduction.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7-8 (2006): 5-16.

“The Third Reich in Alternate History: Aspects of a Genre-Specific Depiction of Nazism.” Journal of Popular Culture 39.5 (2006): 878-96.

“Memories of the Nile: Egyptian Traumas and Communication Technologies in Jan Assmann’s Theory of Cultural Memory.” New German Critique 96 (2005): 103-33.

“On a Species of Origin: Luhmann’s Darwin.” Configurations 11.3 (2003): 305-349.

“Ansichten der Traumverwertungsgesellschaft: Literarische und kulturelle Aspekte der Massendroge in Otto Soykas Die Traumpeitsche und Leo Perutz’ Sankt Petri-Schnee.” Modern Austrian Literature 35.3-4 (2002): 53-77.

— and Michael Wutz, “Introduction: Media – Models, Memories and Metaphors.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 1-10.

“Going Postal to Deliver Subjects: Remarks on a German Postal Apriori.” Angelaki 7.3 (2002): 143-58.

“Luhmann und Kannitverstan im Druck. Zur Bildung typographischer Subjekte und alemannischer Sprachmaschinen.” Germanic Review 77.3 (2002): 195-217.

“The Rise and Fall of Norse America: Vikings and Vínland in Alternate History.” Extrapolation 43.2 (2002): 188-203.

“Drill and Distraction in the Yellow Submarine. The Dominance of War in Friedrich Kittler’s Media Theory.” Critical Inquiry 28.4 (2002): 825-54.

“Am Rand der Uchronie: Oswald Levetts Verirrt in den Zeiten und die Frühphase der alternate historyModern Austrian Literature 34.3/4 (2001): 21-44.

“Die Titanic im Dritten Reich. Zur kulturellen Evolution einer Katastrophe.” Seminar 37.3 (2001): 227-243.

“Silicon Sociology, or, Two Kings on Hegel’s Throne? Kittler, Luhmann and the Posthuman Merger of German Media Theory.” Yale Journal of Criticism 13.2 (2000): 391-420

“How the Mule Got Its Tale: Moretti’s Darwinian Bricolage.” Diacritics 29.2 (1999): 18-40.

“Terminology and Terror: Lichtenberg, Lavoisier and the Revolution of Signs in France and in Chemistry.” RSSI: Recherches Semiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry 17:1-2-3 (1997): 19-39

“The Informatics of Revenge: Telegraphy, Speed and Storage in The Count of Monte Cristo.” Weber Studies 14.1 (1997): 5-17. (Also at Reprinted in Children’s Literature Review 205 (2016): 124-129.

— and Joseph Donatelli, “Why Media Matters: An Introduction.” Mosaic 28.4 (1995): v-xxiv.

— and Joseph Donatelli, “Literature and Media Change: A Selective Multidisciplinary Bibliography.” Mosaic 28.4 (1995): 165-186.

Book Chapters and Essays

“Afterword(s)”. Taking Stock: Media Inventories in the German Nineteenth Century. Ed. Ilinca Iurascu, Sean Franzel and Petra McGillen. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2024. 277-82.

“Wotan’s Stormtroopers and the Total Art Machine. Kittler’s Ring of the Nibelung.” Wagner in Context. Ed. David Trippett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2024. 399-411.

“Gespeicherte Seelenwanderung, oder, Die beste aller Schreibszenen” (“A stored migration of the soul, or, The best of all writing scenes”). Noten zum “Schreiben”. Ed. Davide Giurato, Claas Morgenroth and Sandro Zanetti. Paderborn: Brill-Fink. 2023. 338-343.

“Das wunderbare Rechnen zum Tode. Paläontologische Kontingenzen, Konvergenzen und Katastrophen in The Difference Engine” (“The wonderful computation unto death: Paleontological contingencies, convergences, and catastrophes in The Difference Engine”). Staunen – Rechnen – Rätseln. Explorationen des MedialenEd. Vera Bachmann, Christiane Heibach, Michael Fleig, Solveig Ottmann, and Silke Roesler-Keilholz. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2023. 79-92.

“War and Media Studies.” War and Literary Studies. Ed. Anders Engberg-Pedersen and Neil Ramsey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 102-118.

“”Flusser’s Vampyroteuthis Infernalis as Media Theory.” Understanding Flusser, Understanding Modernism. Ed. Aaaron Jaffe, Michael F. Miller and Rodrigo Martini. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2021. 94-102.

“The Wars of Friedrich Kittler.” In: Friedrich Kittler, Operation Valhalla: Writings on War and Media.. Edited and translated by Ilinca Iurascu, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey, and Michael Wutz. Durham: Duke University Press, 2021. 1-48.

“Intel.” Information: Keywords. Ed. Jonathan Abel, Samuel M. Frederick and Michele Kennerly. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021. 110-120.

“Geschichte als Hemerochronie.” (“History as Hemerochronia.”) Archäographien. Aspekte einer radikalen Medienarchäologie. Ed. Moritz Hiller, Stefan Höltgen and Jan Claas. Berlin: Schwabe, 2019. 293-99

“Kälte, Krieg und Katastrophen:  Martial-Historiographische Anmerkungen zu Spengler und Kittler.”  Spenglers Nachleben: Studien zu einer verdeckten Wirkungsgeschichte. Ed. Christian Voller, Gottfried Schnödl and Jannis Wagner. Springe: zu Klampen, 2018.  29-57.

“Recursive Innovation.” The Technologicial Introject. Ed. Antje Pfannkuchen and Jeffrey Champlin. New York: Fordham University Press, 2018.  Fordham University Press, 2018. 193-208.

“‘This Voice in the Darkness!’ Technologies of the Tropical Talking Cure in Stefan Zweig’s ‘Amok’.” Stefan Zweig and World Literature. Ed. Mark H. Gelber and Birger Vanweesenbeek. Rochester: Camden House: 2015. 56-73.

“Siren Recursions.” Kittler Now. Current Perspectives in Kittler Studies. Ed. Stephen Sale and Laura Salisbury. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2015. 71-94.

— and Annie van den Oewer. “Rethinking the Materiality of Technical Media. Friedrich Kittler, Enfant Terrible with a Rejuvenating Effect on the Parental Discipline. A Dialogue.” Techné/Technology. Researching Cinema and Media Technologies. Ed. Annie van den Oewer. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014. 219-239

“Translating Betrayal. Signposts for the Secret War.” Introduction to Eva Horn, The Secret War: Treason, Espionage and Modern Fiction (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2013). 3-23.

“Bubbles and Webs: A Backdoor Stroll through the Readings of Uexküll.” Afterword to Jakob von Uexküll, A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans. Trans. Joseph O’Neal, intr. Dorion Sagan. Minneapolis: University Minnesota Press, 2010. 209-43.

“Friedrich Kittler: Kultur als Datenverarbeitungsgestell.” Kultur. Theorien der Gegenwart. 2., erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage. Ed. Stephan Moebius and Dirk Quadflieg. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010. 572-79.

Hardware/Software/Wetware.” Critical Terms for Media Studies. Ed. W.J.T. Mitchell and Mark B. N. Hansen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010. 186-98.

‘Diese Stimme im Dunkel!’ Technologies of the Tropical Talking Cure in Stefan Zweig’s Amokläufer.” A Transatlantic Gathering: Essays in Honour of Peter Stenberg. Ed. Marketa Goetz-Stankiewicz and Thomas Salumets. Munich: Iudicium, 2007. 139-50.

“Cultural Studies and German Media Theory.” New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory. Ed. Gary Hall and Clare Birchall. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. 88-104.

“H.G. Wells, ‘The War of the Worlds’.” The Novel. Vol. II: Forms and Themes. Ed. Franco Moretti. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. 189-95.

“February, 1962: From a Tragedy of Physics to a Physics of Tragedy.” A New History of German Literature. Ed. David E. Wellbery. Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 2004. 876-81. [German translation: “Februar 1962 | Friedrich Dürrenmatts Physiker schaffen auf dem Höhepunkt des Kalten Krieges die Tagödie ab.” Eine Neue Geschichte der deutschen Literatur, ed. David Wellbery et al. Berlin: Berlin University Press 2007. 1076–1081.]

“Erinnerungen an den Nil: Jan Assmann, ägyptische Medien und deutsche Theorie.” Bürokratische Leidenschaften: Kultur- und Mediengeschichte im Archiv. Ed. Sven Spieker. Berlin: Kadmos, 2004. 60-85.

“H.G. Wells, La Guerra dei Mondi.” Il romanzo. Vol II: Le forme. Ed. Franco Moretti et al. Torino: Einaudi, 2002. 171-78.

— and Michael Wutz, “Friedrich Kittler and German Media Discourse Analysis.” In: Friedrich Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999. Xi-xli. [Polish Translation: “Friedrich Kittler i analiza dyskursu medialnego.” Kronos 303:3 (2014): 110-37.]

“Magic Media Mountain: Technology and the Umbildungsroman.” Reading Matters: Narrative in the New Media Ecology. Ed. Joseph Tabbi and Michael Wutz. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997. 29-52.

“Müdes Fleisch im Cyberspace: Zur Bildung schlaraffizierter Medienräume.” Natur, Räume, Landschaften: 2. Internationales Kingstoner Symposion. Ed. Burckardt Krause und Ulrich Scheck. Munich: iudicium, 1996. 273-288.

“Undead Networks: Information Processing and Media Boundary Conflicts in Dracula.” Literature and Science. Ed. Donald Bruce and Anthony Purdy. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 1994. 107-129.

“‘Apostel, Apostille, Postille’: Über das Schreiben, Drucken und Telegraphieren bei Lichtenberg”. Lichtenberg: Essays Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of his Birth. Ed. Charlotte M. Craig. New York: Lang, 1992. 23-54.

“Wissenschaft als Revolutionsbewältigung: Thesen zu Goethe und Lichtenberg”. Geist und Gesellschaft. Zur deutschen Rezeption der Französischen Revolution. Ed. Eitel Timm. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1990. 69-81.


a) Books

Oswald Wiener, The Bio-Adapter. With an introduction by Siegfried Zielinski and biographical notes by Niels Röller. Berlin: Kadmos, 2019.

Bernhard Siegert. Cultural Techniques: Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other Articulations of the Real. New York: Fordham University Press (2015)

Eva Horn. The Secret War: Treason, Espionage and Modern Fiction. Evanston: Northwestern University Press: 2013.

Cornelia Vismann. Files: Law and Media Technology. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

— and Michael Wutz. Friedrich Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.

b) Articles

Friedrich Kittler, “Wagner’s Furious Host.” Cultural Politics 18.3 (2022): 287-296

Translations in Friedrich Kittler, Operation Valhalla: Writings on War, Weapons and Media. Edited and translated by Ilinca Iurascu, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, and Michael Wutz, with an introduction by Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. Durham: Duke University Press, 2021:

“Free Ways“ (53-61) (previously published)
“A Short History of the Searchlight” (62-68) [previously published]
“Operation Valhalla” (110-16)
“When the Blitzkrieg Raged” (117-21)
“Animals of War” (123-26)” ) (previously published)
=“On Modern Warfare: A Conversation with Alexander Kluge” (127-35)
“Of States and their Terrorists” (136-49) [previously published]
“De Nostalgia” (198-210) [previously published]
“Biogeography” (227-232)
“Theology” (233-34)

Papers in Siegfried Zielinski, Variations on Media Thinking (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019):

“Media Archaeology, Searching for Different Orders of Envisioning.” (35-42)

“The Audiovisual Time Machine: Concluding Theses on the Cultural Technique of the Video Recorder.” (127-146)

“‘To All!’ The Struggle of the German Workers Radio Movement, 1918-1933.”  (207-260)

“Urban Music Box, Urban Hearing: Avraamov’s Symphony of Sirens in Baku and Moscow 1922-23. A Media-Archaeological Miniature.” (261-267).

Friedrich Kittler. “Real Time Analysis, Time Axis Manipuation,” Cultural Politics 13:1 (2017): 5-18.

Friedrich Kittler. “Unpublished Preface to Discourse Networks.” Grey Room 63 (2016): 90-107.

Friedrich Justin Bertuch and Melchior Kraus. “Introduction to the Journal of Luxury and Fashion (1786).” Cultural Politics 12.1 (2016): 26-31.

Friedrich Kittler. “auto bahnen / free ways.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 376-383.

Friedrich Kittler. “A Short History of the Searchlight.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 384-390.

Friedrich Kittler. “Animals of War.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 391-394.

Friedrich Kittler. “De Nostalgia.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 395-405.

Friedrich Kittler. “Of States and their Terrorists.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 385-97.

Christoph Weinberger. “The Cold Model of Structure: An Interview with Friedrich Kittler.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 375-84.

Erich Hörl. “Luhmann, the Non-trivial Machine and the Neocybernetic Regime of Truth.” Theory, Culture and Society 29:3 (2012): 94-121.

Bernhard Siegert. “Cacography or Communication? Cultural Techniques in German Media Studies.” Grey Room 29 (2007): 26-47.

Friedrich Kittler, “Thinking Colours and/or Machines.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 39-50.

Friedrich Kittler. “Number and Numeral.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 51-61.

Friedrich Kittler. “Lightning and Series–Event and Thunder.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 63-74.

— and Michael Wutz. Michael Giesecke, “Literature as Product and Medium of Ecological Communication.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 11-35.

— and Michael Wutz. Friedrich Kittler, “The Perspective of Print.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 37-50.

— and Michael Wutz. Hartmut Winkler, “Discourses, Schemata, Technology, Monuments: Outline for a Theory of Cultural Continuty.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 91-109. (Also at

— and Michael Wutz. Friedrich Kittler, “Drugs and Media in Pynchon’s World War.” Reading Matters: Narrative in the New Media Ecology. Ed. Joseph Tabbi and Michael Wutz. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997. 157-172.

Book Reviews

“Presidents in the Age of Technological Reproducibility. Review of Charles Musser, Politicking and Emergent Media. US Presidential Elections of the 1890s. Artforum (November 2016):82-83.

Andrew Piper. Book Was There. Reading in Electronic Times. Seminar 39.4 (2013): 436-38

Wade Davis. Into the Silence. The Great War, Mallory, and the Conquest of Everest. Artforum (December 2012): 89-90.

Gisela Ecker. Giftige Gaben. Über Tauschprozesse in der Literatur. Germanic Review 85.3 (2010): 265-67.

Joachim Brügge, ed. “Das Buch als Eingang zur Welt.” Zur Eröffnung des Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg. Modern Austrian Literature 43.1 (2010): 93-95.

Hans Harald Müller. Leo Perutz: Biographie. Modern Austrian Literature 41.3 (2008): 83-85.

Stefan Zweig/Friderike Zweig. “Wenn einen Augenblick die Wolken weichen.” Briefwechsel 1912-1942. Ed. Jeffrey B. Berlin and Gert Kerschbaumer. Modern Austrian Literature 40.3 (2007): 106-7.

Charles Bazerman. The Languages of Edison’s Light. Modernism/Modernity 8.1 (2001): 187-88.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Observationes. Die lateinischen Schriften. Ed. Dag Nikolaus Hasse. Isis 91.4 (2000): 78.

New German Critique 78 (Fall 1999) Special on “German Media Studies”. EBR 11

Hartmut Winkler. Docuverse. Zur Medientheorie der Computer. Seminar 35.4 (1999): 342-43.

Manuel DeLanda. A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History. EBR 8 (

Rainer Stollmann. Groteske Aufklärung. Studien zu Natur und Kultur des Lachens. Seminar 34.4 (1998): 430-432.

Gabriele Schwab. Subjects without Selves: Transitional Texts in Modern Fiction. Canadian Literature 154 (1997): 176-77.

Monika Renneberg and Mark Walker, eds. Science, Technology and National Socialism. Seminar 32.4 (1996): 367-70.

Ludwig Jäger and Bernd Switalla, eds. Germanistik in der Mediengesellschaft. Seminar 31.1 (1996): 62-64.

(with Kirsten Wolf) James A. Parente, Jr. and Richard E. Schade, eds. Studies in German and Scandinavian Literature after 1500. A Festschrift for George C. Schoolfield. Germanic Notes 25.1 (1994): 2-3.

Dieter Lamping. Lichtenbergs literarisches Nachleben, and Heinz Ludwig Arnold, ed., Text + Kritik: Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Seminar 29.4 (1993): 413-16.

Liliane Weissberg. Geistersprache. Seminar 29.3 (1993): 312-14.

Friedrich A. Kittler. Dichter Mutter Kind. Seminar 29.3 (1993): 314-17.

Ralf W. Buechler. Science, Satire and Wit: The Essays of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Seminar 29.2 (1993): 181-83.

Friedrich A. Kittler. Grammophon Film Typewriter. Seminar 25.1 (1989): 82-85.

Notes, Entries, Ripostes, Interviews, Broadcasts

“Defeat,” in Geschichtstheorie am Werk, 18/07/2023,

“Zum Geleit.” Preface to the second, revised edition of Bernhard J. Dotzler and Silke Roesler-Keilholz, Mediengeschichte als Historische Techno-Logie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2021. i-iii.

文化技艺:德国文化与媒介研究前沿  (“Cultural Skills: Frontiers of German Culture and Media Research”). Geoffrey Winthrop-Young interviewed by Jizhou Wang, Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication 42/5 (2020): 49-58.

“Weihnachtsmann.” In: Universalenzyklopädie der menschlichen Klugheit. Ed. Markus Krajewski and Harun Maye. Berlin: Kadmos, 2020. 201-203.

“‘Deckard’s Cogito: Cultural techniques of imaging the so-called human.’ Jem Noble in conversation with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. NGV Triennial (Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 2017): 300-05.

“The Secret Society Conspiracy: Beneath the Cloaks and through the Mist.” Interview with the Capilano Courier.

“Material World. Geoffrey Winthrop-Young talks with Bernhard Siegert.” Artforum (Summer 2015): 324-333.

“Ihre Medientheorie auf einer Seite.” Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 10.1 (2014): 30-32.

“More Things in Heaven and Earth than Theory is dreaming of. A conversation with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young.” Passage des Digitalen Reading Group.

Introduction to Vilém Flusser’s “Cows,” Artforum (September 2013): 375.

“Groundless Provocation: A Note in Praise of Flusser’s Towards a Philosophy of Photography”. Flusser Studies.

“Friedrich Kittler.” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory [forthcoming].

Response to N. Katherine Hayles, “Distributing/Disturbing the Chinese Room,” [May 28, 2009]

“Eulenzurufe. Replikenrepik.” Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 2 (2008): 145-52.

“Karoline Günderrode, ‘Mahomed, der Prophet von Mekka’,” and “Karoline Günderrode, ‘Der Kanonenschlag oder das Gastmahl des Tantalus’.” Lexikon deutschsprachiger Epik und Dramatik von Autorinnen (1730-1900). Ed. Gudrun Loster-Schneider and Gaby Pailer. Tübingen: Francke, 2006. 183-86.

— and Rudolf Maresch, “Deutschland ist ein Medienprodukt: Über Friedrich Kittlers Kulturtechnikgeschichte, den Werkzeugkastenzugang und die Rückkehr des Befehlsnotstandes unter medienwissenschaftlichen Vorzeichen.” Telepolis online, May 20, 2006.

— and Rudolf Maresch, “Die Zeit der Kulturkriege ist vorbei: Über Schaumschläger und Beamte, den Import europäischer Theorie und ihr Irrelevant-Werden in Amerika.” Telepolis online, April 23, 2006.

“Pangaean Dialectics.” Response to Wolf Schäfer, “The New Global History: Toward a Narrative for Pangaea Two.” Erwägen Wissen Ethik 14.1 (2003): 126-28.

“Zwischen Nil und Net.” Response to Jan Assmann, “Das kulturelle Gedächtnis.” Erwägen Wissen Ethik 13.2 (2002): 271-73.

Entries in Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada. Ed. William H. New. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002: “Bauer, Walter” (94-95); and “Beissel, Henry Eric” (101).

“Georg Christoph Lichtenberg,” Encyclopedia of German Literature. 2 vols. Ed. Matthias Konzett. Chicago and London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000. 651-652.

Response to Nicolas Pappas, “Technology in Dracula,” in ebr 6.

“Dreams of Vinland: A Look at Possible North Americas.” Icelandic Canadian LI/3 (1993): 151-59.

“Kanadische Porträts II: Alice Munro oder das Vexierspiel der Dinge.” Sendereihe ‘Neues aus der Literatur’, SR II/SDR II/SWF II, 19 January 1990, 22.20-23.00.

“Kanadische Porträts I: Margaret Atwood im Land der Opfer.” Sendereihe ‘Neues aus der Literatur’. SR II/SDR II/SWF II, 1 September 1989, 22.22-23.00.

“The Knight of Words and Witches. An Interview with Robin Skelton.” B.C. Books 1.3 (1988): 7-9.

“The Candid Man of Kitsilano. An Interview with David Watmough.” B.C. Books 1.2. (1988): 9-11.


2002: UBC Killam Teaching Prize

1992  Outstanding dissertation in the field of Germanic Studies (Canadian Association of University

Teachers of  German)

Graduate Supervision

Doctoral Theses Supervised

Anja Nowak: “Spatial configurations of the Warsaw Ghetto: selected aspects of Jewish space and Nazi policies

Carolina Franzen: “Auschwitz’ as Impossible Subjectivities: Configurations of Disconnections”

Melanie Kage: “Reiten, reiten, reiten: Horse-Riding as a Cultural Technique in German Literature 1870-1920”

Guido Schenkel: “Alternate history – alternate memory : counterfactual literature in the context of German normalization

Catherine Karen Roy: “File-based autobiographies after 1989

Petra Ganzenmueller: “Wider die Ges(ch)ichtslosigkeit der Frau: Weibliche Selbstbewusstwerdung zu Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel der Sibylle Schwarz (1621-1638)”

Christian Thomas: “‘Ich werde ganz einfach telegraphieren’ : Subjekte, Telegraphie, Autonomie und Fortschritt in Theodor Fontanes Gesellschaftsromanen

Doctoral Theses Co-supervised

Rowan Melling (Communication Studies/SFU), “Technologies of the Neo-Liberal Self” (ongoing)

Helena Kudzia (ISGP): “Re-visioning Arboreal and Animal Lifeworlds in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest” [WT/ongoing]

Dorothee Leesing: “Engaging the high-rise in German media culture : aspects of vertical living from 1945 to 2020

Heida Björk Arnadottir (AHVA), “The Conceptual, the Romantic, and the Nonhuman: The SUM Group and the Emergence of Contemporary Art in Iceland, 1965-1978”

Jeremy Redlich: “The Ethnographic Politics and Poetics of Photography, Skin and Race in the Works of Yoko Tawada

Jakub Kazecki: “Laughter in the Trenches: Humour and Front Experience in German First World War Narratives

Charlotte Schallié: “Heimdurchsuchungen : deutschschweizer Literatur, Geschichtspolitik und Erinnerungskultur seit 1965

Nicole Mirante (Comparative Literature):  “Combined constraints in speech production: evidence from linguistic data, oral poetry, and cultural dynamics

Ulf Schuetze: “Referential communication strategies as a function of accessing conceptual representations of abstract shapes in a second or foreign language

Sandra Hoenle (Education): “Walter Benjamin : the production of an intellectual figure

MA Theses

Talia Marie Varoglu (ENGL):  “Dying for a better day : mortality and mourning in the fiction of Virginia Woolf

Rowan Melling: “Resistance as Paradox: Understanding Militant Activism in Light of Rote Zora” (co-supervised)

Benjamin Ellison: “At a standstill or in motion, always looking for the “freeway”: changing patterns of resistance in the films of Wim Wenders” (supervised)

Gisela Mutter: “Möglichkeiten Frau zu sein : Weiblichkeitsentwürfe im 19. Jahrhundert bei Louise Aston, Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer und Louise von François” (supervised)

Nina Varsava (English): “Talking apes : the problem of anthropomorphous animals” (co-supervised)

Anita Law (English): “Scale, ecological attention, and the it-narrative” (co-supervised)

Derek Woods (English): “The mill-site : Victorian processing in England and Vancouver; from Eliot to Marlatt” (co-supervised)

Diane Burgess (Film Studies): “Canon busting?: approaching contemporary Canadian cinema” (co-supervised)

Janet Fong Yee Walker (Asian Studies): “The poetics of erotic imagery in Shen Yue” (co-supervised)

Lectures and Broadcasts Online

“Start Making Sense? Panel Discussion with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Wolfgang Ernst and Bernhard Siegert.” Internationales Kolleg fur Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie, Weimar, Germany, November 2, 2016.

“Avoid the Breath You Take: Peter Sloterdijk’s Terror from the Air” Lecture at the Vancouver Institute for Social Research (The Or Gallery, November 18, 2013)

“Kittler in the Anglosphere: ‘German Media Theory’ and other Collateral Damage in Trans-Atlantic Theory Wars.” Lecture at “Media Transatlantic: Media Theory in North America and German-Speaking Europe” (UBC, April 9, 2010).

Interview by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s show “The Philosopher’s Zone” on the work of Friedrich Kittler (2013)

“What was Kittler’s Media Theory?” Lecture at “The Sirens Go Silent: A Commemorative Colloquium for Friedrich Kittler” (Deutsches Haus New York, March 13, 2013).

Geoffrey Winthrop-Young

phone 604 822 5155
location_on Buchanan Tower 919
Department Program

Ph.D. (UBC), 1991

M.A. (Freiburg), 1986


After graduating from UBC in 1991, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young taught at the Universities of Manitoba and Waterloo before returning to UBC in 1995, where he teaches in the German and Nordic sections of CENES.

Main research areas and current projects:

  • German media theory, media archaeology and the theory of cultural techniques
  • Chronopolitics: Catastrophism, accelerationism and alternate history
  • Fascist mythology I: Conspiracism and pseudo-archaeology
  • Fascist mythology II: De-extinction and racial rewilding
  • Recycling Old Norse material




Kittler and the Media. Cambridge: Polity, 2011.

Chinese Translation: 基特勒论媒介 (Kittler on Media). Trans. Zhang Yuchen. Shanghai: Communication University of China Press, 2019. 214 pp.

Friedrich Kittler zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius, 2005. (Second edition 2017)


Friedrich Kittler, Operation Valhalla: Writings on War and Media.. Edited and translated by Ilinca Iurascu, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey, and Michael Wutz. With an introduction by Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. Durham: Duke University Press: 2021.

— and Ilinca Iurascu and Jussi Parikka, eds. Theory, Culture & Society 30.6 (2013) Special Issue on Cultural Techniques [London: Sage: 2013]

— and Larson Powell, eds. Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012) Special Commemorative Issue on Friedrich Kittler

— and Nicholas Gane, eds. Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006) Special Annual Review on Friedrich Kittler.

— and Michael Wutz, eds. Configurations Special Issue on Media, Materiality, Memory:Aspects of Intermediality. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.

— and Joseph Donatelli, eds. Mosaic 28/4 Special Issue: Media Matters: Technologies of Literary Production. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1995: pp. xxiii + 186.

Journal Articles

周才庶, 《基特勒、德国媒介理论与中国媒介研究——杰弗里·温斯洛普-扬教授访谈》,《新闻记者》2024年第三期。[Zhou Caishu, “Friedrich Kittler, German Media Theory, and Chinese Media Studies——An Interview with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young”], Shanghai Journalism Review, 2024(3): 83-96.

“Wotan’s Biopunk: The Grim(m) German God and his English Bloodsport in Sarban’s Sound of His Horn.” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 71.4 (2023): 393-409.

Deutsche Rindergrammatik, or, The Once and Future Aurochs.” New German Critique 150 Special Sesquicentennial Issue (2023): 225-235.

”The Social Politics of Karl Escherich’s 1933 Inaugural Presidential Lecture,” Journal of the History of Biology 56:1 (2023): 65-95.

“Furious Feedback and the Revolutionary Ode to Noise. Friedrich Kittler’s Wild Hunt for Richard Wagner.” Cultural Politics 18.3 (2022): 275-286.

“A Green Hell Makes Better Germans. Carl Stephenson’s ‘Leiningen’ and the Almost Aryan Countertextual Army Ants.” Germanic Review 96:4 (2021): 339-356.

“T-Rex und amerikanische Tiefenzeit. Stichworte zu einer zukünftigen Medienpaläontologie.” (“T-Rex and American Deep Time. Notes on a Future Media Paleontology.”) Archiv für Mediengeschichte (2018): 11-21.

“The Kittler Effect.” New German Critique 44.3 (2017): 205-224.

“Power Trip: Drugs and the Pharmacology of Control.” Artforum (Summer 2017): 291-304.

“Translator’s Introduction: Friedrich Kittler, ‘Real Time Analysis, Time Axis Manipulation’.” Cultural Politics 13:1 (2017): 1-5

“一个新阐释的开端”?— 论媒介理论的递归革新 与富饶分解” (“Yīge xīnchǎnshìde kāiduān?” Lùn méijiè lǐlùn de dìguī géxīn yǔ fùráo fēnjiě “). Trans. Nong Yuyi. Literature and Cultural Studies 2016 (1): 12-23.

“Translator’s Introduction: Friedrich Justin Bertuch and the Journal of Luxury and Fashion.” Cultural Politics 12.1 (2016): 23-26.

De Bellis Germanicis: Kittler, the Third Reich, and the German Wars.” Cultural Politics 11:3 (2015): 361-375.

“Discourse, Media, Cultural Techniques: The Complexity of Kittler.” Modern Language Notes 130:3 (2015): 447-465.

“On Friedrich Kittler’s ‘Authorship and Love.’” Theory, Culture & Society 32.3 (2015): 3-13.

“Hemerochronia, or, Take a Walk on the Wild Side of Time: Sideline Snippets on Media Archaeology.” Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 2.1 (2015): 143-47.

“The Kultur of Cultural Techniques: Conceptual Inertia and the Parasitic Materialities of Ontologization.” Cultural Politics 10:3 (2014): 376-388.

“Cultural Techniques: Preliminary Observations.” Theory, Culture and Society 30.6 (2013): 3-19.

“Kittler und seine Terroristen.” Tumult 50 (2012): 70-78.

“American Kittler: Glossen zur Anschlussfähigkeit.” Tumult 50 (2012): 153-61.

“‘Well, what socks is Pynchon wearing today?’ A Freiburg Scrapbook in Memory of Friedrich Kittler.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 361-73.

“Hunting a Whale of a State: Kittler and his Terrorists.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 399-412.

“Machine Learning: Friedrich Kittler (1943-2011).” Artforum (September 2012): 473-79 [Hungarian Translation: “Gépi tanulás.” Transl. Gábor Mezei. Prae 16:4 (2014): 147-52.]

“Krautrock, Heidegger, Bogeyman: Kittler in the Anglosphere.” Thesis Eleven 107.1 (2011): 6-20.

“P(r)ose of Pain. On Ernst Jünger’s On Pain.” Cultural Politics 6.3 (2010): 383-88.

“Mensch, Medien, Körper, Kehre: Zum posthumanistischen Immerschon.” Philosophische Rundschau 56.1 (2009): 1-16.

“Fallacies and Thresholds: Notes on the Early Evolution of Alternate History.” Historical Social Research 34.2 (2009): 99-117.

“Von gelobten und verfluchten Medienländern. Kanadischer Gesprächsvorschlag zu einem deutschen Theoriephänomen.” Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 2 (2008): 113-28.

“Memories of the Nile: Egyptian Traumas and Communication Technologies in Jan Assmann’s Theory of Cultural Memory.” Journal of Egyptian History 1.2 (2008): 331-62. [Reprint from New German Critique 96 (2005): 103-33]

“Implosion and Intoxication: Kittler, a German Classic, and Pink Floyd.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 75-91.

— and Nicholas Gane, “Friedrich Kittler: An Introduction.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7-8 (2006): 5-16.

“The Third Reich in Alternate History: Aspects of a Genre-Specific Depiction of Nazism.” Journal of Popular Culture 39.5 (2006): 878-96.

“Memories of the Nile: Egyptian Traumas and Communication Technologies in Jan Assmann’s Theory of Cultural Memory.” New German Critique 96 (2005): 103-33.

“On a Species of Origin: Luhmann’s Darwin.” Configurations 11.3 (2003): 305-349.

“Ansichten der Traumverwertungsgesellschaft: Literarische und kulturelle Aspekte der Massendroge in Otto Soykas Die Traumpeitsche und Leo Perutz’ Sankt Petri-Schnee.” Modern Austrian Literature 35.3-4 (2002): 53-77.

— and Michael Wutz, “Introduction: Media – Models, Memories and Metaphors.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 1-10.

“Going Postal to Deliver Subjects: Remarks on a German Postal Apriori.” Angelaki 7.3 (2002): 143-58.

“Luhmann und Kannitverstan im Druck. Zur Bildung typographischer Subjekte und alemannischer Sprachmaschinen.” Germanic Review 77.3 (2002): 195-217.

“The Rise and Fall of Norse America: Vikings and Vínland in Alternate History.” Extrapolation 43.2 (2002): 188-203.

“Drill and Distraction in the Yellow Submarine. The Dominance of War in Friedrich Kittler’s Media Theory.” Critical Inquiry 28.4 (2002): 825-54.

“Am Rand der Uchronie: Oswald Levetts Verirrt in den Zeiten und die Frühphase der alternate historyModern Austrian Literature 34.3/4 (2001): 21-44.

“Die Titanic im Dritten Reich. Zur kulturellen Evolution einer Katastrophe.” Seminar 37.3 (2001): 227-243.

“Silicon Sociology, or, Two Kings on Hegel’s Throne? Kittler, Luhmann and the Posthuman Merger of German Media Theory.” Yale Journal of Criticism 13.2 (2000): 391-420

“How the Mule Got Its Tale: Moretti’s Darwinian Bricolage.” Diacritics 29.2 (1999): 18-40.

“Terminology and Terror: Lichtenberg, Lavoisier and the Revolution of Signs in France and in Chemistry.” RSSI: Recherches Semiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry 17:1-2-3 (1997): 19-39

“The Informatics of Revenge: Telegraphy, Speed and Storage in The Count of Monte Cristo.” Weber Studies 14.1 (1997): 5-17. (Also at Reprinted in Children’s Literature Review 205 (2016): 124-129.

— and Joseph Donatelli, “Why Media Matters: An Introduction.” Mosaic 28.4 (1995): v-xxiv.

— and Joseph Donatelli, “Literature and Media Change: A Selective Multidisciplinary Bibliography.” Mosaic 28.4 (1995): 165-186.

Book Chapters and Essays

“Afterword(s)”. Taking Stock: Media Inventories in the German Nineteenth Century. Ed. Ilinca Iurascu, Sean Franzel and Petra McGillen. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2024. 277-82.

“Wotan’s Stormtroopers and the Total Art Machine. Kittler’s Ring of the Nibelung.” Wagner in Context. Ed. David Trippett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2024. 399-411.

“Gespeicherte Seelenwanderung, oder, Die beste aller Schreibszenen” (“A stored migration of the soul, or, The best of all writing scenes”). Noten zum “Schreiben”. Ed. Davide Giurato, Claas Morgenroth and Sandro Zanetti. Paderborn: Brill-Fink. 2023. 338-343.

“Das wunderbare Rechnen zum Tode. Paläontologische Kontingenzen, Konvergenzen und Katastrophen in The Difference Engine” (“The wonderful computation unto death: Paleontological contingencies, convergences, and catastrophes in The Difference Engine”). Staunen – Rechnen – Rätseln. Explorationen des MedialenEd. Vera Bachmann, Christiane Heibach, Michael Fleig, Solveig Ottmann, and Silke Roesler-Keilholz. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2023. 79-92.

“War and Media Studies.” War and Literary Studies. Ed. Anders Engberg-Pedersen and Neil Ramsey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 102-118.

“”Flusser’s Vampyroteuthis Infernalis as Media Theory.” Understanding Flusser, Understanding Modernism. Ed. Aaaron Jaffe, Michael F. Miller and Rodrigo Martini. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2021. 94-102.

“The Wars of Friedrich Kittler.” In: Friedrich Kittler, Operation Valhalla: Writings on War and Media.. Edited and translated by Ilinca Iurascu, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey, and Michael Wutz. Durham: Duke University Press, 2021. 1-48.

“Intel.” Information: Keywords. Ed. Jonathan Abel, Samuel M. Frederick and Michele Kennerly. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021. 110-120.

“Geschichte als Hemerochronie.” (“History as Hemerochronia.”) Archäographien. Aspekte einer radikalen Medienarchäologie. Ed. Moritz Hiller, Stefan Höltgen and Jan Claas. Berlin: Schwabe, 2019. 293-99

“Kälte, Krieg und Katastrophen:  Martial-Historiographische Anmerkungen zu Spengler und Kittler.”  Spenglers Nachleben: Studien zu einer verdeckten Wirkungsgeschichte. Ed. Christian Voller, Gottfried Schnödl and Jannis Wagner. Springe: zu Klampen, 2018.  29-57.

“Recursive Innovation.” The Technologicial Introject. Ed. Antje Pfannkuchen and Jeffrey Champlin. New York: Fordham University Press, 2018.  Fordham University Press, 2018. 193-208.

“‘This Voice in the Darkness!’ Technologies of the Tropical Talking Cure in Stefan Zweig’s ‘Amok’.” Stefan Zweig and World Literature. Ed. Mark H. Gelber and Birger Vanweesenbeek. Rochester: Camden House: 2015. 56-73.

“Siren Recursions.” Kittler Now. Current Perspectives in Kittler Studies. Ed. Stephen Sale and Laura Salisbury. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2015. 71-94.

— and Annie van den Oewer. “Rethinking the Materiality of Technical Media. Friedrich Kittler, Enfant Terrible with a Rejuvenating Effect on the Parental Discipline. A Dialogue.” Techné/Technology. Researching Cinema and Media Technologies. Ed. Annie van den Oewer. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014. 219-239

“Translating Betrayal. Signposts for the Secret War.” Introduction to Eva Horn, The Secret War: Treason, Espionage and Modern Fiction (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2013). 3-23.

“Bubbles and Webs: A Backdoor Stroll through the Readings of Uexküll.” Afterword to Jakob von Uexküll, A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans. Trans. Joseph O’Neal, intr. Dorion Sagan. Minneapolis: University Minnesota Press, 2010. 209-43.

“Friedrich Kittler: Kultur als Datenverarbeitungsgestell.” Kultur. Theorien der Gegenwart. 2., erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage. Ed. Stephan Moebius and Dirk Quadflieg. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010. 572-79.

Hardware/Software/Wetware.” Critical Terms for Media Studies. Ed. W.J.T. Mitchell and Mark B. N. Hansen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010. 186-98.

‘Diese Stimme im Dunkel!’ Technologies of the Tropical Talking Cure in Stefan Zweig’s Amokläufer.” A Transatlantic Gathering: Essays in Honour of Peter Stenberg. Ed. Marketa Goetz-Stankiewicz and Thomas Salumets. Munich: Iudicium, 2007. 139-50.

“Cultural Studies and German Media Theory.” New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory. Ed. Gary Hall and Clare Birchall. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. 88-104.

“H.G. Wells, ‘The War of the Worlds’.” The Novel. Vol. II: Forms and Themes. Ed. Franco Moretti. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. 189-95.

“February, 1962: From a Tragedy of Physics to a Physics of Tragedy.” A New History of German Literature. Ed. David E. Wellbery. Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 2004. 876-81. [German translation: “Februar 1962 | Friedrich Dürrenmatts Physiker schaffen auf dem Höhepunkt des Kalten Krieges die Tagödie ab.” Eine Neue Geschichte der deutschen Literatur, ed. David Wellbery et al. Berlin: Berlin University Press 2007. 1076–1081.]

“Erinnerungen an den Nil: Jan Assmann, ägyptische Medien und deutsche Theorie.” Bürokratische Leidenschaften: Kultur- und Mediengeschichte im Archiv. Ed. Sven Spieker. Berlin: Kadmos, 2004. 60-85.

“H.G. Wells, La Guerra dei Mondi.” Il romanzo. Vol II: Le forme. Ed. Franco Moretti et al. Torino: Einaudi, 2002. 171-78.

— and Michael Wutz, “Friedrich Kittler and German Media Discourse Analysis.” In: Friedrich Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999. Xi-xli. [Polish Translation: “Friedrich Kittler i analiza dyskursu medialnego.” Kronos 303:3 (2014): 110-37.]

“Magic Media Mountain: Technology and the Umbildungsroman.” Reading Matters: Narrative in the New Media Ecology. Ed. Joseph Tabbi and Michael Wutz. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997. 29-52.

“Müdes Fleisch im Cyberspace: Zur Bildung schlaraffizierter Medienräume.” Natur, Räume, Landschaften: 2. Internationales Kingstoner Symposion. Ed. Burckardt Krause und Ulrich Scheck. Munich: iudicium, 1996. 273-288.

“Undead Networks: Information Processing and Media Boundary Conflicts in Dracula.” Literature and Science. Ed. Donald Bruce and Anthony Purdy. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 1994. 107-129.

“‘Apostel, Apostille, Postille’: Über das Schreiben, Drucken und Telegraphieren bei Lichtenberg”. Lichtenberg: Essays Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of his Birth. Ed. Charlotte M. Craig. New York: Lang, 1992. 23-54.

“Wissenschaft als Revolutionsbewältigung: Thesen zu Goethe und Lichtenberg”. Geist und Gesellschaft. Zur deutschen Rezeption der Französischen Revolution. Ed. Eitel Timm. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1990. 69-81.


a) Books

Oswald Wiener, The Bio-Adapter. With an introduction by Siegfried Zielinski and biographical notes by Niels Röller. Berlin: Kadmos, 2019.

Bernhard Siegert. Cultural Techniques: Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other Articulations of the Real. New York: Fordham University Press (2015)

Eva Horn. The Secret War: Treason, Espionage and Modern Fiction. Evanston: Northwestern University Press: 2013.

Cornelia Vismann. Files: Law and Media Technology. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

— and Michael Wutz. Friedrich Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.

b) Articles

Friedrich Kittler, “Wagner’s Furious Host.” Cultural Politics 18.3 (2022): 287-296

Translations in Friedrich Kittler, Operation Valhalla: Writings on War, Weapons and Media. Edited and translated by Ilinca Iurascu, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, and Michael Wutz, with an introduction by Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. Durham: Duke University Press, 2021:

“Free Ways“ (53-61) (previously published)
“A Short History of the Searchlight” (62-68) [previously published]
“Operation Valhalla” (110-16)
“When the Blitzkrieg Raged” (117-21)
“Animals of War” (123-26)” ) (previously published)
=“On Modern Warfare: A Conversation with Alexander Kluge” (127-35)
“Of States and their Terrorists” (136-49) [previously published]
“De Nostalgia” (198-210) [previously published]
“Biogeography” (227-232)
“Theology” (233-34)

Papers in Siegfried Zielinski, Variations on Media Thinking (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019):

“Media Archaeology, Searching for Different Orders of Envisioning.” (35-42)

“The Audiovisual Time Machine: Concluding Theses on the Cultural Technique of the Video Recorder.” (127-146)

“‘To All!’ The Struggle of the German Workers Radio Movement, 1918-1933.”  (207-260)

“Urban Music Box, Urban Hearing: Avraamov’s Symphony of Sirens in Baku and Moscow 1922-23. A Media-Archaeological Miniature.” (261-267).

Friedrich Kittler. “Real Time Analysis, Time Axis Manipuation,” Cultural Politics 13:1 (2017): 5-18.

Friedrich Kittler. “Unpublished Preface to Discourse Networks.” Grey Room 63 (2016): 90-107.

Friedrich Justin Bertuch and Melchior Kraus. “Introduction to the Journal of Luxury and Fashion (1786).” Cultural Politics 12.1 (2016): 26-31.

Friedrich Kittler. “auto bahnen / free ways.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 376-383.

Friedrich Kittler. “A Short History of the Searchlight.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 384-390.

Friedrich Kittler. “Animals of War.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 391-394.

Friedrich Kittler. “De Nostalgia.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 395-405.

Friedrich Kittler. “Of States and their Terrorists.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 385-97.

Christoph Weinberger. “The Cold Model of Structure: An Interview with Friedrich Kittler.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 375-84.

Erich Hörl. “Luhmann, the Non-trivial Machine and the Neocybernetic Regime of Truth.” Theory, Culture and Society 29:3 (2012): 94-121.

Bernhard Siegert. “Cacography or Communication? Cultural Techniques in German Media Studies.” Grey Room 29 (2007): 26-47.

Friedrich Kittler, “Thinking Colours and/or Machines.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 39-50.

Friedrich Kittler. “Number and Numeral.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 51-61.

Friedrich Kittler. “Lightning and Series–Event and Thunder.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 63-74.

— and Michael Wutz. Michael Giesecke, “Literature as Product and Medium of Ecological Communication.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 11-35.

— and Michael Wutz. Friedrich Kittler, “The Perspective of Print.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 37-50.

— and Michael Wutz. Hartmut Winkler, “Discourses, Schemata, Technology, Monuments: Outline for a Theory of Cultural Continuty.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 91-109. (Also at

— and Michael Wutz. Friedrich Kittler, “Drugs and Media in Pynchon’s World War.” Reading Matters: Narrative in the New Media Ecology. Ed. Joseph Tabbi and Michael Wutz. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997. 157-172.

Book Reviews

“Presidents in the Age of Technological Reproducibility. Review of Charles Musser, Politicking and Emergent Media. US Presidential Elections of the 1890s. Artforum (November 2016):82-83.

Andrew Piper. Book Was There. Reading in Electronic Times. Seminar 39.4 (2013): 436-38

Wade Davis. Into the Silence. The Great War, Mallory, and the Conquest of Everest. Artforum (December 2012): 89-90.

Gisela Ecker. Giftige Gaben. Über Tauschprozesse in der Literatur. Germanic Review 85.3 (2010): 265-67.

Joachim Brügge, ed. “Das Buch als Eingang zur Welt.” Zur Eröffnung des Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg. Modern Austrian Literature 43.1 (2010): 93-95.

Hans Harald Müller. Leo Perutz: Biographie. Modern Austrian Literature 41.3 (2008): 83-85.

Stefan Zweig/Friderike Zweig. “Wenn einen Augenblick die Wolken weichen.” Briefwechsel 1912-1942. Ed. Jeffrey B. Berlin and Gert Kerschbaumer. Modern Austrian Literature 40.3 (2007): 106-7.

Charles Bazerman. The Languages of Edison’s Light. Modernism/Modernity 8.1 (2001): 187-88.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Observationes. Die lateinischen Schriften. Ed. Dag Nikolaus Hasse. Isis 91.4 (2000): 78.

New German Critique 78 (Fall 1999) Special on “German Media Studies”. EBR 11

Hartmut Winkler. Docuverse. Zur Medientheorie der Computer. Seminar 35.4 (1999): 342-43.

Manuel DeLanda. A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History. EBR 8 (

Rainer Stollmann. Groteske Aufklärung. Studien zu Natur und Kultur des Lachens. Seminar 34.4 (1998): 430-432.

Gabriele Schwab. Subjects without Selves: Transitional Texts in Modern Fiction. Canadian Literature 154 (1997): 176-77.

Monika Renneberg and Mark Walker, eds. Science, Technology and National Socialism. Seminar 32.4 (1996): 367-70.

Ludwig Jäger and Bernd Switalla, eds. Germanistik in der Mediengesellschaft. Seminar 31.1 (1996): 62-64.

(with Kirsten Wolf) James A. Parente, Jr. and Richard E. Schade, eds. Studies in German and Scandinavian Literature after 1500. A Festschrift for George C. Schoolfield. Germanic Notes 25.1 (1994): 2-3.

Dieter Lamping. Lichtenbergs literarisches Nachleben, and Heinz Ludwig Arnold, ed., Text + Kritik: Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Seminar 29.4 (1993): 413-16.

Liliane Weissberg. Geistersprache. Seminar 29.3 (1993): 312-14.

Friedrich A. Kittler. Dichter Mutter Kind. Seminar 29.3 (1993): 314-17.

Ralf W. Buechler. Science, Satire and Wit: The Essays of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Seminar 29.2 (1993): 181-83.

Friedrich A. Kittler. Grammophon Film Typewriter. Seminar 25.1 (1989): 82-85.

Notes, Entries, Ripostes, Interviews, Broadcasts

“Defeat,” in Geschichtstheorie am Werk, 18/07/2023,

“Zum Geleit.” Preface to the second, revised edition of Bernhard J. Dotzler and Silke Roesler-Keilholz, Mediengeschichte als Historische Techno-Logie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2021. i-iii.

文化技艺:德国文化与媒介研究前沿  (“Cultural Skills: Frontiers of German Culture and Media Research”). Geoffrey Winthrop-Young interviewed by Jizhou Wang, Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication 42/5 (2020): 49-58.

“Weihnachtsmann.” In: Universalenzyklopädie der menschlichen Klugheit. Ed. Markus Krajewski and Harun Maye. Berlin: Kadmos, 2020. 201-203.

“‘Deckard’s Cogito: Cultural techniques of imaging the so-called human.’ Jem Noble in conversation with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. NGV Triennial (Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 2017): 300-05.

“The Secret Society Conspiracy: Beneath the Cloaks and through the Mist.” Interview with the Capilano Courier.

“Material World. Geoffrey Winthrop-Young talks with Bernhard Siegert.” Artforum (Summer 2015): 324-333.

“Ihre Medientheorie auf einer Seite.” Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 10.1 (2014): 30-32.

“More Things in Heaven and Earth than Theory is dreaming of. A conversation with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young.” Passage des Digitalen Reading Group.

Introduction to Vilém Flusser’s “Cows,” Artforum (September 2013): 375.

“Groundless Provocation: A Note in Praise of Flusser’s Towards a Philosophy of Photography”. Flusser Studies.

“Friedrich Kittler.” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory [forthcoming].

Response to N. Katherine Hayles, “Distributing/Disturbing the Chinese Room,” [May 28, 2009]

“Eulenzurufe. Replikenrepik.” Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 2 (2008): 145-52.

“Karoline Günderrode, ‘Mahomed, der Prophet von Mekka’,” and “Karoline Günderrode, ‘Der Kanonenschlag oder das Gastmahl des Tantalus’.” Lexikon deutschsprachiger Epik und Dramatik von Autorinnen (1730-1900). Ed. Gudrun Loster-Schneider and Gaby Pailer. Tübingen: Francke, 2006. 183-86.

— and Rudolf Maresch, “Deutschland ist ein Medienprodukt: Über Friedrich Kittlers Kulturtechnikgeschichte, den Werkzeugkastenzugang und die Rückkehr des Befehlsnotstandes unter medienwissenschaftlichen Vorzeichen.” Telepolis online, May 20, 2006.

— and Rudolf Maresch, “Die Zeit der Kulturkriege ist vorbei: Über Schaumschläger und Beamte, den Import europäischer Theorie und ihr Irrelevant-Werden in Amerika.” Telepolis online, April 23, 2006.

“Pangaean Dialectics.” Response to Wolf Schäfer, “The New Global History: Toward a Narrative for Pangaea Two.” Erwägen Wissen Ethik 14.1 (2003): 126-28.

“Zwischen Nil und Net.” Response to Jan Assmann, “Das kulturelle Gedächtnis.” Erwägen Wissen Ethik 13.2 (2002): 271-73.

Entries in Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada. Ed. William H. New. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002: “Bauer, Walter” (94-95); and “Beissel, Henry Eric” (101).

“Georg Christoph Lichtenberg,” Encyclopedia of German Literature. 2 vols. Ed. Matthias Konzett. Chicago and London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000. 651-652.

Response to Nicolas Pappas, “Technology in Dracula,” in ebr 6.

“Dreams of Vinland: A Look at Possible North Americas.” Icelandic Canadian LI/3 (1993): 151-59.

“Kanadische Porträts II: Alice Munro oder das Vexierspiel der Dinge.” Sendereihe ‘Neues aus der Literatur’, SR II/SDR II/SWF II, 19 January 1990, 22.20-23.00.

“Kanadische Porträts I: Margaret Atwood im Land der Opfer.” Sendereihe ‘Neues aus der Literatur’. SR II/SDR II/SWF II, 1 September 1989, 22.22-23.00.

“The Knight of Words and Witches. An Interview with Robin Skelton.” B.C. Books 1.3 (1988): 7-9.

“The Candid Man of Kitsilano. An Interview with David Watmough.” B.C. Books 1.2. (1988): 9-11.


2002: UBC Killam Teaching Prize

1992  Outstanding dissertation in the field of Germanic Studies (Canadian Association of University

Teachers of  German)

Graduate Supervision

Doctoral Theses Supervised

Anja Nowak: “Spatial configurations of the Warsaw Ghetto: selected aspects of Jewish space and Nazi policies

Carolina Franzen: “Auschwitz’ as Impossible Subjectivities: Configurations of Disconnections”

Melanie Kage: “Reiten, reiten, reiten: Horse-Riding as a Cultural Technique in German Literature 1870-1920”

Guido Schenkel: “Alternate history – alternate memory : counterfactual literature in the context of German normalization

Catherine Karen Roy: “File-based autobiographies after 1989

Petra Ganzenmueller: “Wider die Ges(ch)ichtslosigkeit der Frau: Weibliche Selbstbewusstwerdung zu Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel der Sibylle Schwarz (1621-1638)”

Christian Thomas: “‘Ich werde ganz einfach telegraphieren’ : Subjekte, Telegraphie, Autonomie und Fortschritt in Theodor Fontanes Gesellschaftsromanen

Doctoral Theses Co-supervised

Rowan Melling (Communication Studies/SFU), “Technologies of the Neo-Liberal Self” (ongoing)

Helena Kudzia (ISGP): “Re-visioning Arboreal and Animal Lifeworlds in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest” [WT/ongoing]

Dorothee Leesing: “Engaging the high-rise in German media culture : aspects of vertical living from 1945 to 2020

Heida Björk Arnadottir (AHVA), “The Conceptual, the Romantic, and the Nonhuman: The SUM Group and the Emergence of Contemporary Art in Iceland, 1965-1978”

Jeremy Redlich: “The Ethnographic Politics and Poetics of Photography, Skin and Race in the Works of Yoko Tawada

Jakub Kazecki: “Laughter in the Trenches: Humour and Front Experience in German First World War Narratives

Charlotte Schallié: “Heimdurchsuchungen : deutschschweizer Literatur, Geschichtspolitik und Erinnerungskultur seit 1965

Nicole Mirante (Comparative Literature):  “Combined constraints in speech production: evidence from linguistic data, oral poetry, and cultural dynamics

Ulf Schuetze: “Referential communication strategies as a function of accessing conceptual representations of abstract shapes in a second or foreign language

Sandra Hoenle (Education): “Walter Benjamin : the production of an intellectual figure

MA Theses

Talia Marie Varoglu (ENGL):  “Dying for a better day : mortality and mourning in the fiction of Virginia Woolf

Rowan Melling: “Resistance as Paradox: Understanding Militant Activism in Light of Rote Zora” (co-supervised)

Benjamin Ellison: “At a standstill or in motion, always looking for the “freeway”: changing patterns of resistance in the films of Wim Wenders” (supervised)

Gisela Mutter: “Möglichkeiten Frau zu sein : Weiblichkeitsentwürfe im 19. Jahrhundert bei Louise Aston, Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer und Louise von François” (supervised)

Nina Varsava (English): “Talking apes : the problem of anthropomorphous animals” (co-supervised)

Anita Law (English): “Scale, ecological attention, and the it-narrative” (co-supervised)

Derek Woods (English): “The mill-site : Victorian processing in England and Vancouver; from Eliot to Marlatt” (co-supervised)

Diane Burgess (Film Studies): “Canon busting?: approaching contemporary Canadian cinema” (co-supervised)

Janet Fong Yee Walker (Asian Studies): “The poetics of erotic imagery in Shen Yue” (co-supervised)

Lectures and Broadcasts Online

“Start Making Sense? Panel Discussion with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Wolfgang Ernst and Bernhard Siegert.” Internationales Kolleg fur Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie, Weimar, Germany, November 2, 2016.

“Avoid the Breath You Take: Peter Sloterdijk’s Terror from the Air” Lecture at the Vancouver Institute for Social Research (The Or Gallery, November 18, 2013)

“Kittler in the Anglosphere: ‘German Media Theory’ and other Collateral Damage in Trans-Atlantic Theory Wars.” Lecture at “Media Transatlantic: Media Theory in North America and German-Speaking Europe” (UBC, April 9, 2010).

Interview by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s show “The Philosopher’s Zone” on the work of Friedrich Kittler (2013)

“What was Kittler’s Media Theory?” Lecture at “The Sirens Go Silent: A Commemorative Colloquium for Friedrich Kittler” (Deutsches Haus New York, March 13, 2013).

Geoffrey Winthrop-Young

phone 604 822 5155
location_on Buchanan Tower 919
Department Program

Ph.D. (UBC), 1991

M.A. (Freiburg), 1986

About keyboard_arrow_down

After graduating from UBC in 1991, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young taught at the Universities of Manitoba and Waterloo before returning to UBC in 1995, where he teaches in the German and Nordic sections of CENES.

Main research areas and current projects:

  • German media theory, media archaeology and the theory of cultural techniques
  • Chronopolitics: Catastrophism, accelerationism and alternate history
  • Fascist mythology I: Conspiracism and pseudo-archaeology
  • Fascist mythology II: De-extinction and racial rewilding
  • Recycling Old Norse material
Teaching keyboard_arrow_down
Publications keyboard_arrow_down


Kittler and the Media. Cambridge: Polity, 2011.

Chinese Translation: 基特勒论媒介 (Kittler on Media). Trans. Zhang Yuchen. Shanghai: Communication University of China Press, 2019. 214 pp.

Friedrich Kittler zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius, 2005. (Second edition 2017)


Friedrich Kittler, Operation Valhalla: Writings on War and Media.. Edited and translated by Ilinca Iurascu, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey, and Michael Wutz. With an introduction by Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. Durham: Duke University Press: 2021.

— and Ilinca Iurascu and Jussi Parikka, eds. Theory, Culture & Society 30.6 (2013) Special Issue on Cultural Techniques [London: Sage: 2013]

— and Larson Powell, eds. Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012) Special Commemorative Issue on Friedrich Kittler

— and Nicholas Gane, eds. Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006) Special Annual Review on Friedrich Kittler.

— and Michael Wutz, eds. Configurations Special Issue on Media, Materiality, Memory:Aspects of Intermediality. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.

— and Joseph Donatelli, eds. Mosaic 28/4 Special Issue: Media Matters: Technologies of Literary Production. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 1995: pp. xxiii + 186.

Journal Articles

周才庶, 《基特勒、德国媒介理论与中国媒介研究——杰弗里·温斯洛普-扬教授访谈》,《新闻记者》2024年第三期。[Zhou Caishu, “Friedrich Kittler, German Media Theory, and Chinese Media Studies——An Interview with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young”], Shanghai Journalism Review, 2024(3): 83-96.

“Wotan’s Biopunk: The Grim(m) German God and his English Bloodsport in Sarban’s Sound of His Horn.” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 71.4 (2023): 393-409.

Deutsche Rindergrammatik, or, The Once and Future Aurochs.” New German Critique 150 Special Sesquicentennial Issue (2023): 225-235.

”The Social Politics of Karl Escherich’s 1933 Inaugural Presidential Lecture,” Journal of the History of Biology 56:1 (2023): 65-95.

“Furious Feedback and the Revolutionary Ode to Noise. Friedrich Kittler’s Wild Hunt for Richard Wagner.” Cultural Politics 18.3 (2022): 275-286.

“A Green Hell Makes Better Germans. Carl Stephenson’s ‘Leiningen’ and the Almost Aryan Countertextual Army Ants.” Germanic Review 96:4 (2021): 339-356.

“T-Rex und amerikanische Tiefenzeit. Stichworte zu einer zukünftigen Medienpaläontologie.” (“T-Rex and American Deep Time. Notes on a Future Media Paleontology.”) Archiv für Mediengeschichte (2018): 11-21.

“The Kittler Effect.” New German Critique 44.3 (2017): 205-224.

“Power Trip: Drugs and the Pharmacology of Control.” Artforum (Summer 2017): 291-304.

“Translator’s Introduction: Friedrich Kittler, ‘Real Time Analysis, Time Axis Manipulation’.” Cultural Politics 13:1 (2017): 1-5

“一个新阐释的开端”?— 论媒介理论的递归革新 与富饶分解” (“Yīge xīnchǎnshìde kāiduān?” Lùn méijiè lǐlùn de dìguī géxīn yǔ fùráo fēnjiě “). Trans. Nong Yuyi. Literature and Cultural Studies 2016 (1): 12-23.

“Translator’s Introduction: Friedrich Justin Bertuch and the Journal of Luxury and Fashion.” Cultural Politics 12.1 (2016): 23-26.

De Bellis Germanicis: Kittler, the Third Reich, and the German Wars.” Cultural Politics 11:3 (2015): 361-375.

“Discourse, Media, Cultural Techniques: The Complexity of Kittler.” Modern Language Notes 130:3 (2015): 447-465.

“On Friedrich Kittler’s ‘Authorship and Love.’” Theory, Culture & Society 32.3 (2015): 3-13.

“Hemerochronia, or, Take a Walk on the Wild Side of Time: Sideline Snippets on Media Archaeology.” Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 2.1 (2015): 143-47.

“The Kultur of Cultural Techniques: Conceptual Inertia and the Parasitic Materialities of Ontologization.” Cultural Politics 10:3 (2014): 376-388.

“Cultural Techniques: Preliminary Observations.” Theory, Culture and Society 30.6 (2013): 3-19.

“Kittler und seine Terroristen.” Tumult 50 (2012): 70-78.

“American Kittler: Glossen zur Anschlussfähigkeit.” Tumult 50 (2012): 153-61.

“‘Well, what socks is Pynchon wearing today?’ A Freiburg Scrapbook in Memory of Friedrich Kittler.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 361-73.

“Hunting a Whale of a State: Kittler and his Terrorists.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 399-412.

“Machine Learning: Friedrich Kittler (1943-2011).” Artforum (September 2012): 473-79 [Hungarian Translation: “Gépi tanulás.” Transl. Gábor Mezei. Prae 16:4 (2014): 147-52.]

“Krautrock, Heidegger, Bogeyman: Kittler in the Anglosphere.” Thesis Eleven 107.1 (2011): 6-20.

“P(r)ose of Pain. On Ernst Jünger’s On Pain.” Cultural Politics 6.3 (2010): 383-88.

“Mensch, Medien, Körper, Kehre: Zum posthumanistischen Immerschon.” Philosophische Rundschau 56.1 (2009): 1-16.

“Fallacies and Thresholds: Notes on the Early Evolution of Alternate History.” Historical Social Research 34.2 (2009): 99-117.

“Von gelobten und verfluchten Medienländern. Kanadischer Gesprächsvorschlag zu einem deutschen Theoriephänomen.” Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 2 (2008): 113-28.

“Memories of the Nile: Egyptian Traumas and Communication Technologies in Jan Assmann’s Theory of Cultural Memory.” Journal of Egyptian History 1.2 (2008): 331-62. [Reprint from New German Critique 96 (2005): 103-33]

“Implosion and Intoxication: Kittler, a German Classic, and Pink Floyd.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 75-91.

— and Nicholas Gane, “Friedrich Kittler: An Introduction.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7-8 (2006): 5-16.

“The Third Reich in Alternate History: Aspects of a Genre-Specific Depiction of Nazism.” Journal of Popular Culture 39.5 (2006): 878-96.

“Memories of the Nile: Egyptian Traumas and Communication Technologies in Jan Assmann’s Theory of Cultural Memory.” New German Critique 96 (2005): 103-33.

“On a Species of Origin: Luhmann’s Darwin.” Configurations 11.3 (2003): 305-349.

“Ansichten der Traumverwertungsgesellschaft: Literarische und kulturelle Aspekte der Massendroge in Otto Soykas Die Traumpeitsche und Leo Perutz’ Sankt Petri-Schnee.” Modern Austrian Literature 35.3-4 (2002): 53-77.

— and Michael Wutz, “Introduction: Media – Models, Memories and Metaphors.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 1-10.

“Going Postal to Deliver Subjects: Remarks on a German Postal Apriori.” Angelaki 7.3 (2002): 143-58.

“Luhmann und Kannitverstan im Druck. Zur Bildung typographischer Subjekte und alemannischer Sprachmaschinen.” Germanic Review 77.3 (2002): 195-217.

“The Rise and Fall of Norse America: Vikings and Vínland in Alternate History.” Extrapolation 43.2 (2002): 188-203.

“Drill and Distraction in the Yellow Submarine. The Dominance of War in Friedrich Kittler’s Media Theory.” Critical Inquiry 28.4 (2002): 825-54.

“Am Rand der Uchronie: Oswald Levetts Verirrt in den Zeiten und die Frühphase der alternate historyModern Austrian Literature 34.3/4 (2001): 21-44.

“Die Titanic im Dritten Reich. Zur kulturellen Evolution einer Katastrophe.” Seminar 37.3 (2001): 227-243.

“Silicon Sociology, or, Two Kings on Hegel’s Throne? Kittler, Luhmann and the Posthuman Merger of German Media Theory.” Yale Journal of Criticism 13.2 (2000): 391-420

“How the Mule Got Its Tale: Moretti’s Darwinian Bricolage.” Diacritics 29.2 (1999): 18-40.

“Terminology and Terror: Lichtenberg, Lavoisier and the Revolution of Signs in France and in Chemistry.” RSSI: Recherches Semiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry 17:1-2-3 (1997): 19-39

“The Informatics of Revenge: Telegraphy, Speed and Storage in The Count of Monte Cristo.” Weber Studies 14.1 (1997): 5-17. (Also at Reprinted in Children’s Literature Review 205 (2016): 124-129.

— and Joseph Donatelli, “Why Media Matters: An Introduction.” Mosaic 28.4 (1995): v-xxiv.

— and Joseph Donatelli, “Literature and Media Change: A Selective Multidisciplinary Bibliography.” Mosaic 28.4 (1995): 165-186.

Book Chapters and Essays

“Afterword(s)”. Taking Stock: Media Inventories in the German Nineteenth Century. Ed. Ilinca Iurascu, Sean Franzel and Petra McGillen. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2024. 277-82.

“Wotan’s Stormtroopers and the Total Art Machine. Kittler’s Ring of the Nibelung.” Wagner in Context. Ed. David Trippett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2024. 399-411.

“Gespeicherte Seelenwanderung, oder, Die beste aller Schreibszenen” (“A stored migration of the soul, or, The best of all writing scenes”). Noten zum “Schreiben”. Ed. Davide Giurato, Claas Morgenroth and Sandro Zanetti. Paderborn: Brill-Fink. 2023. 338-343.

“Das wunderbare Rechnen zum Tode. Paläontologische Kontingenzen, Konvergenzen und Katastrophen in The Difference Engine” (“The wonderful computation unto death: Paleontological contingencies, convergences, and catastrophes in The Difference Engine”). Staunen – Rechnen – Rätseln. Explorationen des MedialenEd. Vera Bachmann, Christiane Heibach, Michael Fleig, Solveig Ottmann, and Silke Roesler-Keilholz. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2023. 79-92.

“War and Media Studies.” War and Literary Studies. Ed. Anders Engberg-Pedersen and Neil Ramsey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 102-118.

“”Flusser’s Vampyroteuthis Infernalis as Media Theory.” Understanding Flusser, Understanding Modernism. Ed. Aaaron Jaffe, Michael F. Miller and Rodrigo Martini. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2021. 94-102.

“The Wars of Friedrich Kittler.” In: Friedrich Kittler, Operation Valhalla: Writings on War and Media.. Edited and translated by Ilinca Iurascu, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey, and Michael Wutz. Durham: Duke University Press, 2021. 1-48.

“Intel.” Information: Keywords. Ed. Jonathan Abel, Samuel M. Frederick and Michele Kennerly. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021. 110-120.

“Geschichte als Hemerochronie.” (“History as Hemerochronia.”) Archäographien. Aspekte einer radikalen Medienarchäologie. Ed. Moritz Hiller, Stefan Höltgen and Jan Claas. Berlin: Schwabe, 2019. 293-99

“Kälte, Krieg und Katastrophen:  Martial-Historiographische Anmerkungen zu Spengler und Kittler.”  Spenglers Nachleben: Studien zu einer verdeckten Wirkungsgeschichte. Ed. Christian Voller, Gottfried Schnödl and Jannis Wagner. Springe: zu Klampen, 2018.  29-57.

“Recursive Innovation.” The Technologicial Introject. Ed. Antje Pfannkuchen and Jeffrey Champlin. New York: Fordham University Press, 2018.  Fordham University Press, 2018. 193-208.

“‘This Voice in the Darkness!’ Technologies of the Tropical Talking Cure in Stefan Zweig’s ‘Amok’.” Stefan Zweig and World Literature. Ed. Mark H. Gelber and Birger Vanweesenbeek. Rochester: Camden House: 2015. 56-73.

“Siren Recursions.” Kittler Now. Current Perspectives in Kittler Studies. Ed. Stephen Sale and Laura Salisbury. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2015. 71-94.

— and Annie van den Oewer. “Rethinking the Materiality of Technical Media. Friedrich Kittler, Enfant Terrible with a Rejuvenating Effect on the Parental Discipline. A Dialogue.” Techné/Technology. Researching Cinema and Media Technologies. Ed. Annie van den Oewer. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014. 219-239

“Translating Betrayal. Signposts for the Secret War.” Introduction to Eva Horn, The Secret War: Treason, Espionage and Modern Fiction (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2013). 3-23.

“Bubbles and Webs: A Backdoor Stroll through the Readings of Uexküll.” Afterword to Jakob von Uexküll, A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans. Trans. Joseph O’Neal, intr. Dorion Sagan. Minneapolis: University Minnesota Press, 2010. 209-43.

“Friedrich Kittler: Kultur als Datenverarbeitungsgestell.” Kultur. Theorien der Gegenwart. 2., erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage. Ed. Stephan Moebius and Dirk Quadflieg. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010. 572-79.

Hardware/Software/Wetware.” Critical Terms for Media Studies. Ed. W.J.T. Mitchell and Mark B. N. Hansen. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010. 186-98.

‘Diese Stimme im Dunkel!’ Technologies of the Tropical Talking Cure in Stefan Zweig’s Amokläufer.” A Transatlantic Gathering: Essays in Honour of Peter Stenberg. Ed. Marketa Goetz-Stankiewicz and Thomas Salumets. Munich: Iudicium, 2007. 139-50.

“Cultural Studies and German Media Theory.” New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory. Ed. Gary Hall and Clare Birchall. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. 88-104.

“H.G. Wells, ‘The War of the Worlds’.” The Novel. Vol. II: Forms and Themes. Ed. Franco Moretti. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. 189-95.

“February, 1962: From a Tragedy of Physics to a Physics of Tragedy.” A New History of German Literature. Ed. David E. Wellbery. Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 2004. 876-81. [German translation: “Februar 1962 | Friedrich Dürrenmatts Physiker schaffen auf dem Höhepunkt des Kalten Krieges die Tagödie ab.” Eine Neue Geschichte der deutschen Literatur, ed. David Wellbery et al. Berlin: Berlin University Press 2007. 1076–1081.]

“Erinnerungen an den Nil: Jan Assmann, ägyptische Medien und deutsche Theorie.” Bürokratische Leidenschaften: Kultur- und Mediengeschichte im Archiv. Ed. Sven Spieker. Berlin: Kadmos, 2004. 60-85.

“H.G. Wells, La Guerra dei Mondi.” Il romanzo. Vol II: Le forme. Ed. Franco Moretti et al. Torino: Einaudi, 2002. 171-78.

— and Michael Wutz, “Friedrich Kittler and German Media Discourse Analysis.” In: Friedrich Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999. Xi-xli. [Polish Translation: “Friedrich Kittler i analiza dyskursu medialnego.” Kronos 303:3 (2014): 110-37.]

“Magic Media Mountain: Technology and the Umbildungsroman.” Reading Matters: Narrative in the New Media Ecology. Ed. Joseph Tabbi and Michael Wutz. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997. 29-52.

“Müdes Fleisch im Cyberspace: Zur Bildung schlaraffizierter Medienräume.” Natur, Räume, Landschaften: 2. Internationales Kingstoner Symposion. Ed. Burckardt Krause und Ulrich Scheck. Munich: iudicium, 1996. 273-288.

“Undead Networks: Information Processing and Media Boundary Conflicts in Dracula.” Literature and Science. Ed. Donald Bruce and Anthony Purdy. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 1994. 107-129.

“‘Apostel, Apostille, Postille’: Über das Schreiben, Drucken und Telegraphieren bei Lichtenberg”. Lichtenberg: Essays Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of his Birth. Ed. Charlotte M. Craig. New York: Lang, 1992. 23-54.

“Wissenschaft als Revolutionsbewältigung: Thesen zu Goethe und Lichtenberg”. Geist und Gesellschaft. Zur deutschen Rezeption der Französischen Revolution. Ed. Eitel Timm. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1990. 69-81.


a) Books

Oswald Wiener, The Bio-Adapter. With an introduction by Siegfried Zielinski and biographical notes by Niels Röller. Berlin: Kadmos, 2019.

Bernhard Siegert. Cultural Techniques: Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other Articulations of the Real. New York: Fordham University Press (2015)

Eva Horn. The Secret War: Treason, Espionage and Modern Fiction. Evanston: Northwestern University Press: 2013.

Cornelia Vismann. Files: Law and Media Technology. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008.

— and Michael Wutz. Friedrich Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.

b) Articles

Friedrich Kittler, “Wagner’s Furious Host.” Cultural Politics 18.3 (2022): 287-296

Translations in Friedrich Kittler, Operation Valhalla: Writings on War, Weapons and Media. Edited and translated by Ilinca Iurascu, Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, and Michael Wutz, with an introduction by Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. Durham: Duke University Press, 2021:

“Free Ways“ (53-61) (previously published)
“A Short History of the Searchlight” (62-68) [previously published]
“Operation Valhalla” (110-16)
“When the Blitzkrieg Raged” (117-21)
“Animals of War” (123-26)” ) (previously published)
=“On Modern Warfare: A Conversation with Alexander Kluge” (127-35)
“Of States and their Terrorists” (136-49) [previously published]
“De Nostalgia” (198-210) [previously published]
“Biogeography” (227-232)
“Theology” (233-34)

Papers in Siegfried Zielinski, Variations on Media Thinking (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019):

“Media Archaeology, Searching for Different Orders of Envisioning.” (35-42)

“The Audiovisual Time Machine: Concluding Theses on the Cultural Technique of the Video Recorder.” (127-146)

“‘To All!’ The Struggle of the German Workers Radio Movement, 1918-1933.”  (207-260)

“Urban Music Box, Urban Hearing: Avraamov’s Symphony of Sirens in Baku and Moscow 1922-23. A Media-Archaeological Miniature.” (261-267).

Friedrich Kittler. “Real Time Analysis, Time Axis Manipuation,” Cultural Politics 13:1 (2017): 5-18.

Friedrich Kittler. “Unpublished Preface to Discourse Networks.” Grey Room 63 (2016): 90-107.

Friedrich Justin Bertuch and Melchior Kraus. “Introduction to the Journal of Luxury and Fashion (1786).” Cultural Politics 12.1 (2016): 26-31.

Friedrich Kittler. “auto bahnen / free ways.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 376-383.

Friedrich Kittler. “A Short History of the Searchlight.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 384-390.

Friedrich Kittler. “Animals of War.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 391-394.

Friedrich Kittler. “De Nostalgia.” Cultural Politics 11.3 (2015): 395-405.

Friedrich Kittler. “Of States and their Terrorists.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 385-97.

Christoph Weinberger. “The Cold Model of Structure: An Interview with Friedrich Kittler.” Cultural Politics 8.3 (2012): 375-84.

Erich Hörl. “Luhmann, the Non-trivial Machine and the Neocybernetic Regime of Truth.” Theory, Culture and Society 29:3 (2012): 94-121.

Bernhard Siegert. “Cacography or Communication? Cultural Techniques in German Media Studies.” Grey Room 29 (2007): 26-47.

Friedrich Kittler, “Thinking Colours and/or Machines.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 39-50.

Friedrich Kittler. “Number and Numeral.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 51-61.

Friedrich Kittler. “Lightning and Series–Event and Thunder.” Theory, Culture and Society 23.7/8 (2006): 63-74.

— and Michael Wutz. Michael Giesecke, “Literature as Product and Medium of Ecological Communication.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 11-35.

— and Michael Wutz. Friedrich Kittler, “The Perspective of Print.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 37-50.

— and Michael Wutz. Hartmut Winkler, “Discourses, Schemata, Technology, Monuments: Outline for a Theory of Cultural Continuty.” Configurations 10.1 (2002): 91-109. (Also at

— and Michael Wutz. Friedrich Kittler, “Drugs and Media in Pynchon’s World War.” Reading Matters: Narrative in the New Media Ecology. Ed. Joseph Tabbi and Michael Wutz. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997. 157-172.

Book Reviews

“Presidents in the Age of Technological Reproducibility. Review of Charles Musser, Politicking and Emergent Media. US Presidential Elections of the 1890s. Artforum (November 2016):82-83.

Andrew Piper. Book Was There. Reading in Electronic Times. Seminar 39.4 (2013): 436-38

Wade Davis. Into the Silence. The Great War, Mallory, and the Conquest of Everest. Artforum (December 2012): 89-90.

Gisela Ecker. Giftige Gaben. Über Tauschprozesse in der Literatur. Germanic Review 85.3 (2010): 265-67.

Joachim Brügge, ed. “Das Buch als Eingang zur Welt.” Zur Eröffnung des Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg. Modern Austrian Literature 43.1 (2010): 93-95.

Hans Harald Müller. Leo Perutz: Biographie. Modern Austrian Literature 41.3 (2008): 83-85.

Stefan Zweig/Friderike Zweig. “Wenn einen Augenblick die Wolken weichen.” Briefwechsel 1912-1942. Ed. Jeffrey B. Berlin and Gert Kerschbaumer. Modern Austrian Literature 40.3 (2007): 106-7.

Charles Bazerman. The Languages of Edison’s Light. Modernism/Modernity 8.1 (2001): 187-88.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Observationes. Die lateinischen Schriften. Ed. Dag Nikolaus Hasse. Isis 91.4 (2000): 78.

New German Critique 78 (Fall 1999) Special on “German Media Studies”. EBR 11

Hartmut Winkler. Docuverse. Zur Medientheorie der Computer. Seminar 35.4 (1999): 342-43.

Manuel DeLanda. A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History. EBR 8 (

Rainer Stollmann. Groteske Aufklärung. Studien zu Natur und Kultur des Lachens. Seminar 34.4 (1998): 430-432.

Gabriele Schwab. Subjects without Selves: Transitional Texts in Modern Fiction. Canadian Literature 154 (1997): 176-77.

Monika Renneberg and Mark Walker, eds. Science, Technology and National Socialism. Seminar 32.4 (1996): 367-70.

Ludwig Jäger and Bernd Switalla, eds. Germanistik in der Mediengesellschaft. Seminar 31.1 (1996): 62-64.

(with Kirsten Wolf) James A. Parente, Jr. and Richard E. Schade, eds. Studies in German and Scandinavian Literature after 1500. A Festschrift for George C. Schoolfield. Germanic Notes 25.1 (1994): 2-3.

Dieter Lamping. Lichtenbergs literarisches Nachleben, and Heinz Ludwig Arnold, ed., Text + Kritik: Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Seminar 29.4 (1993): 413-16.

Liliane Weissberg. Geistersprache. Seminar 29.3 (1993): 312-14.

Friedrich A. Kittler. Dichter Mutter Kind. Seminar 29.3 (1993): 314-17.

Ralf W. Buechler. Science, Satire and Wit: The Essays of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. Seminar 29.2 (1993): 181-83.

Friedrich A. Kittler. Grammophon Film Typewriter. Seminar 25.1 (1989): 82-85.

Notes, Entries, Ripostes, Interviews, Broadcasts

“Defeat,” in Geschichtstheorie am Werk, 18/07/2023,

“Zum Geleit.” Preface to the second, revised edition of Bernhard J. Dotzler and Silke Roesler-Keilholz, Mediengeschichte als Historische Techno-Logie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2021. i-iii.

文化技艺:德国文化与媒介研究前沿  (“Cultural Skills: Frontiers of German Culture and Media Research”). Geoffrey Winthrop-Young interviewed by Jizhou Wang, Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication 42/5 (2020): 49-58.

“Weihnachtsmann.” In: Universalenzyklopädie der menschlichen Klugheit. Ed. Markus Krajewski and Harun Maye. Berlin: Kadmos, 2020. 201-203.

“‘Deckard’s Cogito: Cultural techniques of imaging the so-called human.’ Jem Noble in conversation with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young. NGV Triennial (Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 2017): 300-05.

“The Secret Society Conspiracy: Beneath the Cloaks and through the Mist.” Interview with the Capilano Courier.

“Material World. Geoffrey Winthrop-Young talks with Bernhard Siegert.” Artforum (Summer 2015): 324-333.

“Ihre Medientheorie auf einer Seite.” Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 10.1 (2014): 30-32.

“More Things in Heaven and Earth than Theory is dreaming of. A conversation with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young.” Passage des Digitalen Reading Group.

Introduction to Vilém Flusser’s “Cows,” Artforum (September 2013): 375.

“Groundless Provocation: A Note in Praise of Flusser’s Towards a Philosophy of Photography”. Flusser Studies.

“Friedrich Kittler.” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory [forthcoming].

Response to N. Katherine Hayles, “Distributing/Disturbing the Chinese Room,” [May 28, 2009]

“Eulenzurufe. Replikenrepik.” Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 2 (2008): 145-52.

“Karoline Günderrode, ‘Mahomed, der Prophet von Mekka’,” and “Karoline Günderrode, ‘Der Kanonenschlag oder das Gastmahl des Tantalus’.” Lexikon deutschsprachiger Epik und Dramatik von Autorinnen (1730-1900). Ed. Gudrun Loster-Schneider and Gaby Pailer. Tübingen: Francke, 2006. 183-86.

— and Rudolf Maresch, “Deutschland ist ein Medienprodukt: Über Friedrich Kittlers Kulturtechnikgeschichte, den Werkzeugkastenzugang und die Rückkehr des Befehlsnotstandes unter medienwissenschaftlichen Vorzeichen.” Telepolis online, May 20, 2006.

— and Rudolf Maresch, “Die Zeit der Kulturkriege ist vorbei: Über Schaumschläger und Beamte, den Import europäischer Theorie und ihr Irrelevant-Werden in Amerika.” Telepolis online, April 23, 2006.

“Pangaean Dialectics.” Response to Wolf Schäfer, “The New Global History: Toward a Narrative for Pangaea Two.” Erwägen Wissen Ethik 14.1 (2003): 126-28.

“Zwischen Nil und Net.” Response to Jan Assmann, “Das kulturelle Gedächtnis.” Erwägen Wissen Ethik 13.2 (2002): 271-73.

Entries in Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada. Ed. William H. New. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002: “Bauer, Walter” (94-95); and “Beissel, Henry Eric” (101).

“Georg Christoph Lichtenberg,” Encyclopedia of German Literature. 2 vols. Ed. Matthias Konzett. Chicago and London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000. 651-652.

Response to Nicolas Pappas, “Technology in Dracula,” in ebr 6.

“Dreams of Vinland: A Look at Possible North Americas.” Icelandic Canadian LI/3 (1993): 151-59.

“Kanadische Porträts II: Alice Munro oder das Vexierspiel der Dinge.” Sendereihe ‘Neues aus der Literatur’, SR II/SDR II/SWF II, 19 January 1990, 22.20-23.00.

“Kanadische Porträts I: Margaret Atwood im Land der Opfer.” Sendereihe ‘Neues aus der Literatur’. SR II/SDR II/SWF II, 1 September 1989, 22.22-23.00.

“The Knight of Words and Witches. An Interview with Robin Skelton.” B.C. Books 1.3 (1988): 7-9.

“The Candid Man of Kitsilano. An Interview with David Watmough.” B.C. Books 1.2. (1988): 9-11.

Awards keyboard_arrow_down

2002: UBC Killam Teaching Prize

1992  Outstanding dissertation in the field of Germanic Studies (Canadian Association of University

Teachers of  German)

Graduate Supervision keyboard_arrow_down

Doctoral Theses Supervised

Anja Nowak: “Spatial configurations of the Warsaw Ghetto: selected aspects of Jewish space and Nazi policies

Carolina Franzen: “Auschwitz’ as Impossible Subjectivities: Configurations of Disconnections”

Melanie Kage: “Reiten, reiten, reiten: Horse-Riding as a Cultural Technique in German Literature 1870-1920”

Guido Schenkel: “Alternate history – alternate memory : counterfactual literature in the context of German normalization

Catherine Karen Roy: “File-based autobiographies after 1989

Petra Ganzenmueller: “Wider die Ges(ch)ichtslosigkeit der Frau: Weibliche Selbstbewusstwerdung zu Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel der Sibylle Schwarz (1621-1638)”

Christian Thomas: “‘Ich werde ganz einfach telegraphieren’ : Subjekte, Telegraphie, Autonomie und Fortschritt in Theodor Fontanes Gesellschaftsromanen

Doctoral Theses Co-supervised

Rowan Melling (Communication Studies/SFU), “Technologies of the Neo-Liberal Self” (ongoing)

Helena Kudzia (ISGP): “Re-visioning Arboreal and Animal Lifeworlds in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest” [WT/ongoing]

Dorothee Leesing: “Engaging the high-rise in German media culture : aspects of vertical living from 1945 to 2020

Heida Björk Arnadottir (AHVA), “The Conceptual, the Romantic, and the Nonhuman: The SUM Group and the Emergence of Contemporary Art in Iceland, 1965-1978”

Jeremy Redlich: “The Ethnographic Politics and Poetics of Photography, Skin and Race in the Works of Yoko Tawada

Jakub Kazecki: “Laughter in the Trenches: Humour and Front Experience in German First World War Narratives

Charlotte Schallié: “Heimdurchsuchungen : deutschschweizer Literatur, Geschichtspolitik und Erinnerungskultur seit 1965

Nicole Mirante (Comparative Literature):  “Combined constraints in speech production: evidence from linguistic data, oral poetry, and cultural dynamics

Ulf Schuetze: “Referential communication strategies as a function of accessing conceptual representations of abstract shapes in a second or foreign language

Sandra Hoenle (Education): “Walter Benjamin : the production of an intellectual figure

MA Theses

Talia Marie Varoglu (ENGL):  “Dying for a better day : mortality and mourning in the fiction of Virginia Woolf

Rowan Melling: “Resistance as Paradox: Understanding Militant Activism in Light of Rote Zora” (co-supervised)

Benjamin Ellison: “At a standstill or in motion, always looking for the “freeway”: changing patterns of resistance in the films of Wim Wenders” (supervised)

Gisela Mutter: “Möglichkeiten Frau zu sein : Weiblichkeitsentwürfe im 19. Jahrhundert bei Louise Aston, Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer und Louise von François” (supervised)

Nina Varsava (English): “Talking apes : the problem of anthropomorphous animals” (co-supervised)

Anita Law (English): “Scale, ecological attention, and the it-narrative” (co-supervised)

Derek Woods (English): “The mill-site : Victorian processing in England and Vancouver; from Eliot to Marlatt” (co-supervised)

Diane Burgess (Film Studies): “Canon busting?: approaching contemporary Canadian cinema” (co-supervised)

Janet Fong Yee Walker (Asian Studies): “The poetics of erotic imagery in Shen Yue” (co-supervised)

Lectures and Broadcasts Online keyboard_arrow_down

“Start Making Sense? Panel Discussion with Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Wolfgang Ernst and Bernhard Siegert.” Internationales Kolleg fur Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie, Weimar, Germany, November 2, 2016.

“Avoid the Breath You Take: Peter Sloterdijk’s Terror from the Air” Lecture at the Vancouver Institute for Social Research (The Or Gallery, November 18, 2013)

“Kittler in the Anglosphere: ‘German Media Theory’ and other Collateral Damage in Trans-Atlantic Theory Wars.” Lecture at “Media Transatlantic: Media Theory in North America and German-Speaking Europe” (UBC, April 9, 2010).

Interview by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s show “The Philosopher’s Zone” on the work of Friedrich Kittler (2013)

“What was Kittler’s Media Theory?” Lecture at “The Sirens Go Silent: A Commemorative Colloquium for Friedrich Kittler” (Deutsches Haus New York, March 13, 2013).