Jonah I. Garde

Banting Postdoctoral Fellow
Department Program

Ph.D., University of Bern, 2023
Graduate Diploma, University of Vienna, 2014


Dr. Jonah I. Garde is a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow (2024-26) at CENES specializing in 19th and 20th century trans* histories in the German speaking world, their modern/colonial entanglements, as well as the archives and affects they produce.

In 2023, they received their PhD in Gender Studies from the University of Bern in Switzerland (summa cum laude), where they studied the the entangled histories of transness and colonialism in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Before joining UBC, Dr. Garde was a postdoctoral researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Bern where they taught Gender Studies and Trans* History. Previously, they have taught at the University of Vienna, the University of Innsbruck, and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Dr. Garde is a Postdoctoral Affiliate at the Centre for European Studies at UBC.


As a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Garde will investigate how collective memory about the transgender past is generated in contemporary cultural productions like films, TV shows, texts, and museum exhibitions. The project “Germany and the Trans Historical Imaginary: Affective Reimaginations of the Transgender Past” explores how German history and German archives inform the (re)writings of the transgender past in these cultural productions and elaborates on their powerful role in constructing present trans identities, communities, and politics.

Research interests:

  • Trans Studies
  • Trans* histories of the 19th and 20th century
  • European modernity/coloniality
  • Intersectionality
  • Visual Cultures
  • Archives, Affects, and Cultural Memory



Trans* Geschichten der Moderne: „Geschlechtsumwandlung“ und ihre kolonialen Geister. (= Trans* Histories of Modernity: “Sex Change” and its Colonial Ghosts) Bielefeld: transcript, forthcoming.

Cripping Development? Ambivalenzen “Inklusiver Entwicklung” aus crip-theoretischer Perspektive. Vienna: Peter Lang, 2015.

Journal Articles

Menschenrechte, ‚biologische Fakten‘ und binäre Geschlechter: Koloniale Geschichten der transantagonistischen Gegenwart,” with Yv Nay. femina politica 32: 2, 38-50 (2023).

Provincializing Trans* Modernity. Asterisked Histories and Multiple Horizons in Der Steinachfilm,” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 8: 2, 207-222 (2021).

Inclusive Development as Crip(dys)topic Promise: Querying Development, Dis/ability, and Human Rights,” Somatechnics 6: 2, 159-178 (2016).

Book Chapters

“Between the Bar and the Clinic: Trans* Visual Histories in Mysterium des Geschlechtes.“ In: Weimar’s Queer Visions, edited by Katie Sutton, Ina Linge, and Birgit Lang. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming.

“Ansätze für trans*formative Pädagogiken. Ein Gespräch,” with Simon Harder. In: Bildung Macht Diversität: Critical Diversity Literacy im Hochschulraum, edited by Serena Dankwa et al. Bielefeld: transcript, 211-224 (2021).

Other Publications

trans. inter*. nicht-binär. Lehr- und Lernräume an Hochschulen geschlechterreflektiert gestalten, with Elis Eder, Anna Lena Janowiak, Ruth Orli Moshkovitz, Noah Rieser and Marion Thuswald. Vienna: Academy of Fine Arts (2019).

“Making Connections. Interview mit Margo Okazawa-Rey,” with Anukriti Dixit and Jovita dos Santos. genderstudies – Zeitschrift des IZFG 36, 19-21 (2020).

“Temporalities of Becoming. Trans(chrono)normativity and Imagined Hormone Time,” Crip Magazine 3, 40-43 (2020).

“‘Entwicklung‘ (in)exklusive? ‘Behinderung’ in Entwicklungs- und Freiwilligenkontexten,” Gender_Sexualitäten_Begehren in der machtkritischen und entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit, 30-31 (2017).


2024- 2026 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship

2022 University of Bern, Doc.Mobility Scholarship

2018 – 2021 Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, PhD Scholarship,

2018 Chair in Transgender Studies, University of Victoria, Visiting Fellowship

2014 Peter Lang, Honorary Award for Humanities

2014 Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft (ÖFG), International Communication

2013 University of Vienna, Merit-based scholarship

2013 Austrian Student Union, Grant for feminist/queer emerging scholars

Graduate Supervision

Celine Dosch (M.A. Thesis, in progress): Queere Erinnerungskultur und Multidirektionalität. Zur Verfolgung lesbischer und transmaskuliner Personen im Nationalsozialismus. (Goethe University Frankfurt, Second Supervisor)

Jonah I. Garde

Banting Postdoctoral Fellow
Department Program

Ph.D., University of Bern, 2023
Graduate Diploma, University of Vienna, 2014


Dr. Jonah I. Garde is a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow (2024-26) at CENES specializing in 19th and 20th century trans* histories in the German speaking world, their modern/colonial entanglements, as well as the archives and affects they produce.

In 2023, they received their PhD in Gender Studies from the University of Bern in Switzerland (summa cum laude), where they studied the the entangled histories of transness and colonialism in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Before joining UBC, Dr. Garde was a postdoctoral researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Bern where they taught Gender Studies and Trans* History. Previously, they have taught at the University of Vienna, the University of Innsbruck, and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Dr. Garde is a Postdoctoral Affiliate at the Centre for European Studies at UBC.


As a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Garde will investigate how collective memory about the transgender past is generated in contemporary cultural productions like films, TV shows, texts, and museum exhibitions. The project “Germany and the Trans Historical Imaginary: Affective Reimaginations of the Transgender Past” explores how German history and German archives inform the (re)writings of the transgender past in these cultural productions and elaborates on their powerful role in constructing present trans identities, communities, and politics.

Research interests:

  • Trans Studies
  • Trans* histories of the 19th and 20th century
  • European modernity/coloniality
  • Intersectionality
  • Visual Cultures
  • Archives, Affects, and Cultural Memory



Trans* Geschichten der Moderne: „Geschlechtsumwandlung“ und ihre kolonialen Geister. (= Trans* Histories of Modernity: “Sex Change” and its Colonial Ghosts) Bielefeld: transcript, forthcoming.

Cripping Development? Ambivalenzen “Inklusiver Entwicklung” aus crip-theoretischer Perspektive. Vienna: Peter Lang, 2015.

Journal Articles

Menschenrechte, ‚biologische Fakten‘ und binäre Geschlechter: Koloniale Geschichten der transantagonistischen Gegenwart,” with Yv Nay. femina politica 32: 2, 38-50 (2023).

Provincializing Trans* Modernity. Asterisked Histories and Multiple Horizons in Der Steinachfilm,” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 8: 2, 207-222 (2021).

Inclusive Development as Crip(dys)topic Promise: Querying Development, Dis/ability, and Human Rights,” Somatechnics 6: 2, 159-178 (2016).

Book Chapters

“Between the Bar and the Clinic: Trans* Visual Histories in Mysterium des Geschlechtes.“ In: Weimar’s Queer Visions, edited by Katie Sutton, Ina Linge, and Birgit Lang. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming.

“Ansätze für trans*formative Pädagogiken. Ein Gespräch,” with Simon Harder. In: Bildung Macht Diversität: Critical Diversity Literacy im Hochschulraum, edited by Serena Dankwa et al. Bielefeld: transcript, 211-224 (2021).

Other Publications

trans. inter*. nicht-binär. Lehr- und Lernräume an Hochschulen geschlechterreflektiert gestalten, with Elis Eder, Anna Lena Janowiak, Ruth Orli Moshkovitz, Noah Rieser and Marion Thuswald. Vienna: Academy of Fine Arts (2019).

“Making Connections. Interview mit Margo Okazawa-Rey,” with Anukriti Dixit and Jovita dos Santos. genderstudies – Zeitschrift des IZFG 36, 19-21 (2020).

“Temporalities of Becoming. Trans(chrono)normativity and Imagined Hormone Time,” Crip Magazine 3, 40-43 (2020).

“‘Entwicklung‘ (in)exklusive? ‘Behinderung’ in Entwicklungs- und Freiwilligenkontexten,” Gender_Sexualitäten_Begehren in der machtkritischen und entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit, 30-31 (2017).


2024- 2026 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship

2022 University of Bern, Doc.Mobility Scholarship

2018 – 2021 Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, PhD Scholarship,

2018 Chair in Transgender Studies, University of Victoria, Visiting Fellowship

2014 Peter Lang, Honorary Award for Humanities

2014 Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft (ÖFG), International Communication

2013 University of Vienna, Merit-based scholarship

2013 Austrian Student Union, Grant for feminist/queer emerging scholars

Graduate Supervision

Celine Dosch (M.A. Thesis, in progress): Queere Erinnerungskultur und Multidirektionalität. Zur Verfolgung lesbischer und transmaskuliner Personen im Nationalsozialismus. (Goethe University Frankfurt, Second Supervisor)

Jonah I. Garde

Banting Postdoctoral Fellow
Department Program

Ph.D., University of Bern, 2023
Graduate Diploma, University of Vienna, 2014

About keyboard_arrow_down

Dr. Jonah I. Garde is a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow (2024-26) at CENES specializing in 19th and 20th century trans* histories in the German speaking world, their modern/colonial entanglements, as well as the archives and affects they produce.

In 2023, they received their PhD in Gender Studies from the University of Bern in Switzerland (summa cum laude), where they studied the the entangled histories of transness and colonialism in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Before joining UBC, Dr. Garde was a postdoctoral researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Bern where they taught Gender Studies and Trans* History. Previously, they have taught at the University of Vienna, the University of Innsbruck, and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Dr. Garde is a Postdoctoral Affiliate at the Centre for European Studies at UBC.

Research keyboard_arrow_down

As a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Garde will investigate how collective memory about the transgender past is generated in contemporary cultural productions like films, TV shows, texts, and museum exhibitions. The project “Germany and the Trans Historical Imaginary: Affective Reimaginations of the Transgender Past” explores how German history and German archives inform the (re)writings of the transgender past in these cultural productions and elaborates on their powerful role in constructing present trans identities, communities, and politics.

Research interests:

  • Trans Studies
  • Trans* histories of the 19th and 20th century
  • European modernity/coloniality
  • Intersectionality
  • Visual Cultures
  • Archives, Affects, and Cultural Memory
Publications keyboard_arrow_down


Trans* Geschichten der Moderne: „Geschlechtsumwandlung“ und ihre kolonialen Geister. (= Trans* Histories of Modernity: “Sex Change” and its Colonial Ghosts) Bielefeld: transcript, forthcoming.

Cripping Development? Ambivalenzen “Inklusiver Entwicklung” aus crip-theoretischer Perspektive. Vienna: Peter Lang, 2015.

Journal Articles

Menschenrechte, ‚biologische Fakten‘ und binäre Geschlechter: Koloniale Geschichten der transantagonistischen Gegenwart,” with Yv Nay. femina politica 32: 2, 38-50 (2023).

Provincializing Trans* Modernity. Asterisked Histories and Multiple Horizons in Der Steinachfilm,” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 8: 2, 207-222 (2021).

Inclusive Development as Crip(dys)topic Promise: Querying Development, Dis/ability, and Human Rights,” Somatechnics 6: 2, 159-178 (2016).

Book Chapters

“Between the Bar and the Clinic: Trans* Visual Histories in Mysterium des Geschlechtes.“ In: Weimar’s Queer Visions, edited by Katie Sutton, Ina Linge, and Birgit Lang. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming.

“Ansätze für trans*formative Pädagogiken. Ein Gespräch,” with Simon Harder. In: Bildung Macht Diversität: Critical Diversity Literacy im Hochschulraum, edited by Serena Dankwa et al. Bielefeld: transcript, 211-224 (2021).

Other Publications

trans. inter*. nicht-binär. Lehr- und Lernräume an Hochschulen geschlechterreflektiert gestalten, with Elis Eder, Anna Lena Janowiak, Ruth Orli Moshkovitz, Noah Rieser and Marion Thuswald. Vienna: Academy of Fine Arts (2019).

“Making Connections. Interview mit Margo Okazawa-Rey,” with Anukriti Dixit and Jovita dos Santos. genderstudies – Zeitschrift des IZFG 36, 19-21 (2020).

“Temporalities of Becoming. Trans(chrono)normativity and Imagined Hormone Time,” Crip Magazine 3, 40-43 (2020).

“‘Entwicklung‘ (in)exklusive? ‘Behinderung’ in Entwicklungs- und Freiwilligenkontexten,” Gender_Sexualitäten_Begehren in der machtkritischen und entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit, 30-31 (2017).

Awards keyboard_arrow_down

2024- 2026 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship

2022 University of Bern, Doc.Mobility Scholarship

2018 – 2021 Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, PhD Scholarship,

2018 Chair in Transgender Studies, University of Victoria, Visiting Fellowship

2014 Peter Lang, Honorary Award for Humanities

2014 Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft (ÖFG), International Communication

2013 University of Vienna, Merit-based scholarship

2013 Austrian Student Union, Grant for feminist/queer emerging scholars

Graduate Supervision keyboard_arrow_down

Celine Dosch (M.A. Thesis, in progress): Queere Erinnerungskultur und Multidirektionalität. Zur Verfolgung lesbischer und transmaskuliner Personen im Nationalsozialismus. (Goethe University Frankfurt, Second Supervisor)