Patricia Milewski
Thematic Research Area
Department Program
MA, University of British Columbia, 2017
Patricia Milewski is a PhD candidate with an interest in seventeenth century song culture.
Patricia’s doctoral dissertation is dedicated to the lyrical production of an early modern woman author, named Gertrud Möller (1641–1705), whose poetry was set to music primarily by composer Johann Sebastiani (1622–83) in two volumes of sacred and secular songs (Parnaßblumen, Part 1 1672; Part 2 1675).The two volumes are artifacts of early modern German vernacular song culture. Moreover, they constitute a unique example of collaboration between a female poet and a male composer that has largely been overlooked in literary and musicological research to date. Patricia’s research advances existing scholarship on early modern song culture and the creative practices and literary production of early modern women authors.
Sophia Lees ‘Umschreibung’ der Historiographie Maria Stuarts in ihrem Schauerroman The Recess (1783-1785) und deren mögliche ‘Fortschreibung’ in Friedrich Schillers Maria Stuart (1801), in Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik Reihe A – Band 143, 2021.
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (2020-2023)
Graduate Supervision
Supervised by: Dr. Gaby Pailer (CENES), Dr. Alexander Fisher (School of Music), Dr. Irmgard Scheitler (University of Würzburg) and Dr. Ervin Malakaj (CENES).