
The Germanic Studies graduate program office can be your first stop if you have questions about your studies at UBC.

The Director of Graduate Studies and Graduate Program Assistant can answer your questions about research supervision, required and elective courses, improving your teaching, applying for research and travel awards, studying abroad, taking courses at other universities covered by the Western Deans Agreement, and other topics.

Director of Graduate Studies

Graduate students can contact us if they have any questions or concerns regarding their research, progress, and application strategies.

Dr. Tom Kemple
CENES Associate Head | Professor

Stephanie Kletas
Graduate Program Assistant

CENES Course Policies

Graduate Marking

The grading practices mandated by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, including grading scales, are available here: 

An “A+” paper (90-100%): Marks in this range should be given only for a paper of publishable quality, one that makes an original contribution to scholarship. A mark of 95% or above is exceptional and should be reserved for a paper that could be published in a major journal; it must be not only insightful and impeccably written, but also fully and carefully documented according to an accepted bibliographic style.

An “A” paper (85-89%): Papers in this range should approach publishable quality, perhaps with some revision. They should present original ideas such as would be acceptable for conference presentation, and should be well-researched and documented.

An “A-” paper (80-84%): Papers in this range should be solid pieces of work, fully adequate on the graduate level, with respect to the quality of thought and writing and to research and presentation.

A “B+” paper

A “B+” paper (76-79%): Papers in this range have weaknesses in some areas, though they are still graduate-level work. Revision would be needed to bring them up to an “A” level.

A “B or B-” paper

A “B” or “B-” paper (68-75%): Papers in this range have major weaknesses.

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