This project is dedicated to the development of “Women’s Drama and Theatre in German-speaking Europe, 1600-2025”. Drama and theatre are cultural phenomena in which “roles” are enacted, either as poetic writing or staged performance.
The first presentation by Annette Bühler-Dietrich (University of Stuttgart, Germany) will outline one of the major components of the SSHRC IG “Women’s Drama and Theatre”, the project of a comprehensive Handbook with renowned academic publisher Walter de Gruyter, Berlin. It will also give an example of how entries to the new Handbook could be conceptualized.
In the second presentation, Marion Schmaus (University of Marburg, Germany) will discuss how fairy tale operas were a prominent genre on European stages of the 19th and early 20th century. Some are still well known, as the Christmas opera ‘Hänsel and Gretel’, some are completely forgotten, like the nearly twenty ‘Rübezahl’-operas , which were played on stages from Prague over Vienna to Berlin. Fairy tale operas were a possibility for women playwrights to conquer the male dominated stages of the 19th century, but their contemporary fame often didn’t last. Names like Adelheid Wette, Elsa Bernstein and their many sisters are to be rediscovered and put in the spotlight.
12:15-12:30: Coffee, tea, fruit and pastries
12:30: Gaby Pailer and Jason Lieblang: Welcome and Introduction
12:35 – 13:00: Annette Bühler-Dietrich (University of Stuttgart, Germany): “The Handbook on Women’s Drama and Theatre: conceptual remarks and a 21st-century case study.”
13:00-13:20: Marion Schmaus (University of Marburg, Germany): “Women Playwrights and Fairy Tale Opera”
How to Attend:
Please join us for a lunchtime event on Thursday, September 21, 2023 on the ninth floor of Buchanan Tower, room 997, at 12:15pm.
This event is also available via Zoom (Meeting ID: 876 6035 5824 | Passcode: 546085)