The Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies now offers UBC students course options in several languages: Danish, German, Polish, Russian, Swedish, Ukrainian, and Yiddish. Come get started, or keep going, with your additional language learning!

We offer small, welcoming, workshop-style classes. Everyone is welcome — from total beginners to people getting in touch with their heritage and ancestors to advanced multilinguals honing their capabilities.

Norwegian, Swedish and Danish are mutually understandable, and knowing just one is sufficient to make oneself understood in the two other countries, as well! 

Our Beginning and Intermediate Danish courses will coach you in speaking, writing, culture and history. We offer the following Danish language courses:

  • DANI 100 (3) Elementary Danish I
  • DANI 110 (3) Elementary Danish II
  • DANI 200 (3) Intermediate Danish I
  • DANI 210 (3) Intermediate Danish II

Once you’re done, consider continuing on with a Minor in Nordic Studies!

Through our exchange agreements with an array of partner universities throughout the region, we also help students pursue studies abroad and improve language skills so they can study or work in Denmark. 

Did you know German is pronounced exactly like it is spelled? We think you’ll find it fun, exciting, and a key to engaging the world beyond English. All of our language courses offer a richly multicultural introduction to Germanophone culture today, which will prepare you for a potential Minor or Major in German Studies.

We offer the following German language courses:

  • GERN 101 (3) Beginners’ German I
  • GERN 102 (3) Beginners’ German II
  • GERN 201 (3) Intermediate German I
  • GERN 202 (3) Intermediate German II
  • GERN 301 (3) Intermediate German III
  • GERN 302 (3) Intermediate German IV
  • GERN 401 (3) Advanced German I
  • GERN 402 (3) Advanced German II

The Polish Language Program offers beginners and lower intermediate language courses. Polish 200 introduces students to contemporary Polish focusing on oral practice, reading and writing skills. In Polish 300 language skills are enhanced and reinforced by learning and practicing them in social, cultural and historical contexts.

We offer the following Polish language courses:

  • POLS 101 (3) Learning Polish: Foundations I
  • POLS 102 (3) Learning Polish: Foundations II
  • POLS 201 (3) Learning Polish: Intermediate I
  • POLS 202 (3) Learning Polish: Intermediate II
  • POLS 345 (3-6) Introduction to Twentieth-Century Polish Literature

Our program offers a full four-year range of Russian language courses. 100 and 200 level courses introduce students to contemporary Russian focusing on oral practice, reading and writing skills. In senior years, language skills are enhanced and reinforced by learning and practicing them in Russian social, cultural and historical contexts.

We offer the following Russian language courses:

  • RUSS 101 (3) Learning Russian 1
  • RUSS 102 (3) Learning Russian 2
  • RUSS 201 (3) Learning Russian 3
  • RUSS 202 (3) Learning Russian 4
  • RUSS 208 (3) Russian Conversation Practice 1
  • RUSS 301 (3) Learning Russian 5
  • RUSS 302 (3) Learning Russian 6
  • RUSS 304 (3) Reading Russophone Texts
  • RUSS 307 (3) Russian through Film
  • RUSS 308 (3) Russian Conversation Practice 2
  • RUSS 401 (3) Learning Russian through Critical Contemporary Topics
  • RUSS 441 (3-6) Contemporary Russophone Literature

Norwegian, Swedish and Danish are mutually understandable, and knowing just one is sufficient to make oneself understood in the two other countries, as well! 

Our Beginning and Intermediate Swedish courses will coach you in speaking, writing, culture, and history. We offer the following Swedish language courses:

  • SWED 100 (3) Elementary Swedish I
  • SWED 110 (3) Elementary Swedish II
  • SWED 200 (3) Intermediate Swedish I
  • SWED 210 (3) Intermediate Swedish II

Once you’re done, consider continuing on with a Minor in Nordic Studies!

Through our exchange agreements with an array of partner universities throughout the region, we also help students pursue studies abroad and improve language skills so they can study or work in Sweden. 

UKRN courses introduces students to all aspects of Ukrainian culture and languages today. Taught in an inspiring, joyful and supportive way by an expert from Eastern Ukraine, these courses will provide the foundations to understand, speak, write and read in this rich and melodious language!

We offer the following Ukrainian language course:

  • UKRN 101 (3) Learning Ukrainian 1
  • UKRN 102 (3) Learning Ukrainian 2
  • UKRN 201 (3) Learning Ukrainian 3
  • UKRN 202 (3) Learning Ukrainian 4

Yiddish is a historically and culturally Jewish language that has been spoken around the world since the 9th century, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, and is today in a period of renaissance and creativity. Throughout the arts, literature, translation, and secular and religious culture, Yiddish is a beloved and spirited meaning-making repertoire for truth-telling and relationship-building around the world.

We offer the following Yiddish language courses:

  • YDSH 101 (3 credit course)
  • YDSH 102 (3 credit course)

Come join the future of Yiddish-speaking community in the Lower Mainland and around the world! There's so much to discover!